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Brooks J, van Heijst K, Epping A, Lee SH, Niksarli A, Pope A, Clay Z, Kret ME, Taglialatela J, Yamamoto S
Increased alertness and moderate ingroup cohesion in bonobos’ response to outgroup cues.

PLoS ONE, 19(8): e0307975 2024/08/21


Mason B, Cervena B, Frias L, Goossens B, Hasegawa H, Keuk K, Langgeng A, Majewski K, Matsumoto T, Matsuura K, Mendonça R, Okamoto M, Peter S, Petrzelkova KJ, Sipangkui S, Xu Z, Pafco B, MacIntosh AJJ
Novel insight into the genetic diversity of strongylid nematodes infecting South-East and East Asian primates.

Parasitology, 1-9 2024/04/17


Mohd-Ridwan AR, Md-Zain BM, Najmuddin MF, Othman N, Haris H, Sariyati NH, Matsuda I, Yee BS, Lee Y, Lye SF, Abdul-Latiff MAB
Unveiling the Gut Microbiome of Malaysia's Colobine Monkeys : Insights into Health and Evolution.

Journal of Medical Primatology, 53 2024/10/24


Sakai M, Kimura SS, Mizutani Y, Ishikawa M, Ito T, Arai N, Niizuma Y
Telomere length changes in the Pacific white-sided dolphin measured for one and a half years.

Marine Mammal Science, e13123 2024/04/01


Santa A, Kanda K, Kako T, Miyajima M, Adachi I
Matching-to-Sample Task Training of a Killer Whale (Orcinus orca).

Animals, 14(6), 821 2024/03/07



Furuichi T, Idani G, Kimura D, Ihobe H, Hashimoto C
Bonobos and people at Wamba: 50 years of research, Springer 2024/02/26


Furuichi T
Prolonged sexual receptivity in females and its impact on the evolution of bonobos.
In Takeshi Furuichi, Gen'ichi Idani, Daiji Kimura, Hiroshi Ihobe, Chie Hashimoto, Bonobos and people at Wamba: 50 years of research, (pp. 545-564). Springer 2024/02/26


Allanic M
A Closer Look at Grooming Patterns in Bonobos.
In Takeshi Furuichi, Gen'ichi Idani, Daiji Kimura, Hiroshi Ihobe, Chie Hashimoto, Bonobos and people at Wamba: 50 years of research, (pp. 149-165). Springer 2024/02/26


Kazuya Toda, Nahoko Tokuyama, Tetsuya Sakamaki
Multiple Phases of Natal Transfer Process in Female Bonobos and Factors Underlying Each Phase: Findings from Long-Term Observations in Wild Populations.
In Takeshi Furuichi, Gen'ichi Idani, Daiji Kimura, Hiroshi Ihobe, Chie Hashimoto, Bonobos and people at Wamba: 50 years of research, (pp. 181–209). Springer 2024/02/26


Fasbender D
Column: From Nests and Videos to Wamba Bonobos.
In Takeshi Furuichi, Gen'ichi Idani, Daiji Kimura, Hiroshi Ihobe, Chie Hashimoto, Bonobos and people at Wamba: 50 years of research, (pp. 333–335). Springer 2024/02/26


Sakamaki T, Tokuyama N
Potential Benefits of Intergroup Associations and Chronological Changes of Intergroup Relationships in Bonobos.
In Takeshi Furuichi, Gen'ichi Idani, Daiji Kimura, Hiroshi Ihobe, Chie Hashimoto, Bonobos and people at Wamba: 50 years of research, (pp. 311-332). Springer 2024/02/26


Tokuyama N
Aggressive behaviors and social dominance in bonobos.
In Takeshi Furuichi, Gen'ichi Idani, Daiji Kimura, Hiroshi Ihobe, Chie Hashimoto, Bonobos and people at Wamba: 50 years of research, (pp. 247-265). Springer 2024/02/26


Idani G
Social behaviors of nulliparous adolescent female bonobos.
In Takeshi Furuichi, Gen'ichi Idani, Daiji Kimura, Hiroshi Ihobe, Chie Hashimoto, Bonobos and people at Wamba: 50 years of research, (pp. 211-228). Springer 2024/02/26


3.10.5 アザラシ(主に北半球太平洋側で見られる種)
In 動物の行動と管理学会(編), 改訂版 動物行動図説 ―産業動物・伴侶動物・展示動物・実験動物―, (pp. 159-161). 朝倉書店 2024/04/05


Yamamoto S
Column: Food Sharing in Rich Environments.
In Takeshi Furuichi, Gen'ichi Idani, Daiji Kimura, Hiroshi Ihobe, Chie Hashimoto, Bonobos and people at Wamba: 50 years of research, (pp. 233–235). Springer 2024/02/26


Shibata S, Furuichi T
Intermale Relationships in Wild Bonobos at Wamba.
In Takeshi Furuichi, Gen'ichi Idani, Daiji Kimura, Hiroshi Ihobe, Chie Hashimoto, Bonobos and people at Wamba: 50 years of research, (pp. 285-310). Springer 2024/02/26


Hashimoto C
Sexual behaviors and hormonal background of female bonobos.
In Takeshi Fuiruichi, Gen'ichi Idani, Daiji Kimura, Hiroshi Ihobe, Chie Hashimoto, Bonobos and people at Wamba: 50 years of research, (pp. 61-76). Springer 2024/02/26


Takemoto H
The Influence of the Congo River on the Evolutionary Trajectory of Bonobos.
In Takeshi Furuichi, Gen'ichi Idani, Daiji Kimura, Hiroshi Ihobe, Chie Hashimoto, Bonobos and People at Wamba: 50 Years of Research, (pp. 477-496). Springer 2024/02/26


ふるさと宮崎 自然図鑑 ~26~ 幸島のニホンザル①
宮崎日日新聞, 2024/02/08


村山 美穂
総論 エピジェネティッククロックを活用した野生動物の遺伝資源保全─老化の謎に迫る
生物の科学 遺伝 , 78(3) 2024/05/01


村松 大輔
ナマケモノから学ぶ? 省エネな生き方
母の友, 854: 33-35 2024/06/03


ふるさと宮崎 自然図鑑 ~27~ 幸島のニホンザル②
宮崎日日新聞, 2024/03/07


動物からみた“個性” 特集 脳と個性
生体の科学, 75(1)1-6 2024/01


斉 惠元
ネコ科の多様な種におけるエピジェネティッククロックの開発─小型種から大型種, 飼育から野生まで 特集「野生動物のエピジェネティッククロック〜DNAメチル化を指標とした年齢推定」
生物の科学 遺伝 , 78(3) 2024/05/01


アジアゾウの年齢推定ー長寿な生態系エンジニアの生涯とは? 特集「野生動物のエピジェネティッククロック〜DNAメチル化を指標とした年齢推定」
生物の科学 遺伝 , 78(3): 190-195 2024/05/01


中村知裕, 野別貴博, 嶋田宏, 美坂正, 西岡純, 藤尾伸三, 柳本大吾, 三谷曜子, 山村織生, 三寺史夫
低温科学, 82, 153-160 2024/03/29


岩波『科学』, 94(9): 781-786 2024/08/24


Hirata S
Treatment of hepatitis in ex-biomedical chimpanzees at a Japanese sanctuary thanks to support from the general public.
Primates, 2024/01/06


Yoshimura H
A multifaceted approach to the study of plant-eating in feline carnivores. ネコ科肉食動物の植物食に関する多角的アプローチによる研究
京都大学理学研究科 2024/03/22


Naito-Liederbach AM
Genetic diversity assessment and conservation implications for two raptor species. 猛禽類2種の遺伝的多様性評価と保全上の意義
京都大学理学研究科 2024/03/22


Borghezan EA
Effects of divergent waters colours on Amazon fish evolution. 水色の違いがアマゾン川の魚の進化に及ぼす影響
京都大学理学研究科 2024/03/22


Qi H
Development of epigenetic clocks in multiple felid species-from small to big, domestic to wild. ネコ科の多様な種におけるエピジェネティック時計の開発-小型種から大型種、飼育から野生まで-
京都大学理学研究科 2024/03/22


Lin C
Measuring Emotional States in Chimpanzees through Judgment Bias via a Go/no-go Touch Screen Task.
京都大学理学研究科 2024/03/22


京都大学理学研究科 2024/03/22


京都大学理学研究科 2024/03/22


Monge MO
Comparative Ranging Patterns in Sea Cow Species.
京都大学理学研究科 2024/03/22


京都大学理学研究科 2024/03/22