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Adenyo C, Ohya K, Qiu Y, Takashima Y, Ogawa H, T, M, Thu MJ, Sato K, Kawabata H, Katayama Y, Omatsu T, Mizutani T, Fukushi H, Katakura K, Nonaka N, Inoue-Murayama M, Kayang B, Nakao R
Bacterial and protozoan pathogens/symbionts in ticks infecting wild grasscutters (Thryonomys swinderianus) in Ghana.

Acta Tropica, 205, 105388 2020/02/05

Amici F, Widdig A, MacIntosh AJJ, Francés VB, Castellano-Navarro A, Caicoya AL, Karimullah K, Maulany RI, Ngakan PO, Hamzah AS, Majolo B
Dominance style only partially predicts differences in neophobia and social tolerance over food in four macaque species.

Scientific Reports, 10: 22069 2020/12/16


Bang I, Bruggemann F, Chen C, Alexis QD, Gao H, Gélin P, Hong X, Inoue-Murayama M, Kim K, Kwak Y, Li W, Ma H, Magalon H, Nakajima N, Oury N, Pierrat J, Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Sato Y, Taki Y, Vincenot CE, Xiang Z, Yu Z, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Zhu X
Microsatellite records for volume 12, issue 2.

Conservation Genetics Resources, 12(2), 12-15 2020/05/20


Brooks J, Kano F, Sato Y, Yeow H, Morimura N, Nagasawa M, Kikusui T, Yamamoto S
Divergent effects of oxytocin on eye contact in bonobos and chimpanzees.

Psychoneuroendocrinology, Volume 125, 105119 2020/12/21

Chapman CA, Bicca-Marques JC, Dunham AE, Fan P, Fashing PJ, Gogarten JF, Guo S, Huffman MA, Kalbitzer U, Li B, Ma C, Matsuda I, Omeja PA, Sarkar D, Sengupta R, Serio-Silva JC, Tsuji Y, Stenseth NC
Primates Can Be a Rallying Symbol to Promote Tropical Forest Restoration.

Folia Primatologica, 91(6):669–687 2020/03/03

#WRC #共同利用・共同研究 #PWS

Hanya G, Tackmann J, Sawada A, Lee W, Pokharel SS, deCastroMaciel V, Toge A, Kuroki K, Otsuka R, Mabuchi R, Liu J, Hatakeyama M, Yamasaki E, von Mering C, Shimizu-Inatsugi R, Hayakawa T, Shimizu KK, Ushida K
Fermentation Ability of Gut Microbiota of Wild Japanese Macaques in the Highland and Lowland Yakushima: In Vitro Fermentation Assay and Genetic Analyses.

Microbial ecology, 80(2): 459-474 2020/04/24


Hasegawa H, Frias L, Peter S, Hasan NH, Stark DJ, Lynn MS, Sipangkui S, Goossens B, Matsuura K, Okamoto M, Macintosh AJJ
First description of male worms of Enterobius (Colobenterobius) serratus (Nematoda: Oxyuridae), the pinworm parasite of proboscis monkeys.

Zootaxa, 4722(3): 287-294 2020/01/14


Heldstab SA, Schaik CP, Müller DWH, Rensch E, Lackey LB, Zerbe P, Hatt J, Clauss M, Matsuda I
Reproductive seasonality in primates: patterns, concepts and unsolved questions.

Biological reviews, 96(1): 66-88 2020/09/16


Hirata S, Betsuyaku T, Fujita K, Nakano T, Ikegaya Y
Phylogeny and ontogeny of mental time.

Neuroscience Research, 170: 13-17 2020/07/15


Matsuda I, Stark DJ, Saldivar DAR, Tuuga A, Nathan SKSS, Goossens B, vanSchaik CP, Koda H
Large male proboscis monkeys have larger noses but smaller canines.

Communications biology, 3, 522 2020/09/21


Ogden R, Fukuda T, Funo T, Komatsu M, Maeda T, Meredith A, Miura M, Natsukawa H, Onuma M, Osafune Y, Saito K, Sato Y, Thompson D, Inoue-Murayama M
Japanese golden eagle conservation science: current status and future needs.

Japanese Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 25(1): 9-28 2020/03/31


Seiko T, Kishida T, Toyama M, Hariyama T, Okitsu T, Wada A, Toda M, Satta Y, Terai Y
Visual adaptation of opsin genes to the aquatic environment in sea snakes.

BMC Evolutionary Biology, 20, 158 2020/11/26


Shirasu M, Ito S, Itoigawa A, Hayakawa T, Kinoshita K, Munechika I, Imai H, Touhara K
Key Male Glandular Odorants Attracting Female Ring-Tailed Lemurs.

Current Biology, 30(11): 2131-2138 2020/04/16


Takada H, Ohuchi R, Watanabe H, Yano R, Miyaoka R, Nakagawa T, Zenno Y, Minami M
Habitat use and the coexistence of the sika deer and the Japanese serow, sympatric ungulates from Mt. Asama, central Japan.

Mammalia, 84(6): 503-511 2020/04/02


Wilson V, Weiss A, Lefevref CE, Ochiai T, Matsuzawa T, Inoue-Murayama M, Freeman H, Herrelko ES, Altschu D
Facial width-to-height ratio in chimpanzees: Links to age, sex and personality.

Evolution and Human Behavior 2020/03/05


Yoshimura H, Qi H, Kikuchi DM, Matsui Y, Fukushima K, Kudo S, Ban K, Kusano K, Nagano D, Hara M, Sato Y, Takatsu K, Hirata S, Kinoshita K
The relationship between plant-eating and hair evacuation in snow leopards (Panthera uncia).

PLoS ONE, 15(7): e023663 2020/07/31



中野 勝光, 伊藤 英之, 玉木 敬二, 鈴村 崇文, 井上-村山 美穂

DNA多型, 28: 22-2 2020


冨澤奏子, 伴 和幸, 木下こづえ, 木下さとみ, Kubanychbek Jumabay uulu, 椎原春一

ヒマラヤ学誌, in print 2020


半谷 吾郎, 好廣 眞一, YANG Danhe, WONG Christopher Chai Thiam, 岡 桃子, 楊木 萌, 佐藤 侑太郎, 大坪 卓, 櫻井 貴之, 川田 美風, F. FAHRI, SIWAN Elangkumaran Sagtia, HAVERCAMP Kristin, 余田 修助, GU Ningxin, LOKHANDWALA Seema Sheesh, 中野 勝光, 瀧 雄渡, 七五三木 環, 本郷 峻, 澤田 晶子, 本田 剛章, 栗原 洋介

霊長類研究, 36(2): 23-31 2020/11/30


瀧 雄渡, Christian E Vincenot, 佐藤 悠, 井上-村山 美穂

DNA多型, 28: 26-29 2020


金澤 朋子, 西村 直也, 半澤 紗由里, 安藤 正人, 庄子 泰之, 先崎 優, 村田 浩一

動物の行動と管理学会誌 (Animal Behaviour and Management), 56(2): 63-70 2020/06/30



Murayama M
Using Genetics to Understanding the Evolution of Human Resilience.
In Nara Y., Inamura T. (eds), Resilience and Human History. Translational Systems Sciences, volume 23, (pp. 13-23). Springer, Singapore 2020/08/29


Hirata S, Morimura N, Watanuki K, Ross S
The establishment of sanctuaries for former laboratory chimpanzees: Challenges, successes, and cross-cultural context. チンパンジーのサンクチュアリ設立
In Hopper, L. M. and Ross, S. (Eds.), Chimpanzees in context: A comparative perspective on chimpanzee behavior, cognition, conservation, and welfare, (pp. 208-229). The University of Chicago Press 2020/12


In 秋道智彌, 岩崎望(編), 絶滅危惧種を喰らう, (pp. 219-223). 2020/12/28


田中 正之
チンパンジーとゴリラにおける文化的行動の伝播 - 京都市動物園の「お勉強」の文化を次代へと受け渡す
科学, 90(7): 223-224 2020/06/01


村山 美穂
連載「野生動物を遺伝子から見る」第6回: ウシの肉質遺伝子を探す
モンキー, 5(2): 36-37 2020/09/01


林 亮太, 中島 淳
ニッチェ・ライフ, 7, 46-48 2020/04/01


相馬 拓也
京都新聞, 2020年6月19日付 2020/06/19


村山 美穂
連載「野生動物を遺伝子から見る」第7回: 素敵な『趣味』を見つける
モンキー, 5(3): 64-65 2020/12/01


平田 聡
発達, 163: 95-103 2020/07/25


相馬 拓也
ユリイカ, 2020年6月号 (no.759): pp.275-283 2020/05/28


クリスティン ハーバーキャンプ, 平田 聡
モンキー, 4(4): 110-111 2020/03/01


井上漱太, 大西絵奈, 内藤アンネグレート素, 藤原摩耶子, 義村弘仁
若手座談会―60 巻記念座談会に対抗して― (Counter-response to the Mammalian Science 60th volume commemorative discussion—a round table discussion by the next generation)
哺乳類科学, 60巻 2号 p. 367-373 2020/08/04


松島良介, 林 亮太
ニッチェ・ライフ, 7, 43-45 2020/04


村山 美穂
連載「野生動物を遺伝子から見る」第5回: 父親の意味とは
モンキー, 5(1): 8-9 2020/06/01


Hirata S
Chimpanzee Kanako.
Primates, 61, 635–638 2020/08/25


村松 大輔
自然と教育, 30: 15-19 2020/06/30


Naito AM
Genetic diversity of the endangered Japanese golden eagle.
京都大学理学研究科, 2020/10