Body Shape Analysis in Reticulated Giraffe, Okapi, and Black Rhinoceros Using Three-Dimensional Laser Measurements
Nobuhide Kido, Sohei Tanaka, Yuko Wada, Atsushi Oura, Emi Ochiai, Natsumi Morita, Yoshiya Kawaguchi, Masanori Itabashi, Takanori Munakata
DOI: 10.3390/jzbg5010006概要
Abnormal conditions are diagnosed based on body weight; however, zoos lack appropriate scales for megafauna. Body shape evaluation is often used to evaluate the nutritional status of breeding animals; however, this is inaccurate for zoo animals because of inter-observer variability, especially in megafauna. Previously, three-dimensional laser measurements were used to analyse body shape of reticulated giraffe, but further studies are required to examine its effectiveness in more individuals, and other species. Here, we applied this method to reticulated giraffe, okapi, and black rhinoceros individuals for which cross-sectional area, width, and height in transverse section were determined. Relative change rates of each variable in relation to measurements at the axillary region revealed changes in body shape for each individual. Further, scatter plots and corresponding fitted curves and correlation coefficients showed a correlation between body length and approximate volume. The accuracy of three-dimensional laser measurements was demonstrated in three animal species, whereby we propose its use as an alternative method to evaluate body shape in megafauna without the inter-observer variability. In addition, this handheld device may be applied for various zoos without the scale for megafauna.
採択番号: 2018-A-20
課題名: ハンディ型3Dスキャナを用いた大型動物園動物の体格評価.
申請代表者: 公益財団法人横浜市緑の協会金沢動物園・木戸伸英