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M, Aguenounon G, Allritz M, Altschul D, Ballesta S, Ballesta A, Bohn M, Bornbusch S, Brandão A, Brooks J, Bugnyar T, Burkart J, Bustamante L, Call J, Canteloup C, Cao C, Caspar K, da Silva D, de Sousa A, DeTroy S, Duguid S, Eppley T, Fichtel C, Fischer J, Gong C, Grange J, Grebe N, Hanus D, Huan D, Haux L, Héjja-Brichard Y, Helman A, Hernadi I, Hernandez-Aguilar R, Herrmann E, Hopper L, Howard L, Huang L, Huskisson S, Jacobs I, Jin Z, Joly M, Kano F, Keupp S, Kiefer E, Knakker B, Kóczán K, Kraus L, Kwok SC, Lefrançois M, Lewis L, Liu S, Llorente M, Lonsdorf E, Loyant L, Majecka K, Maurits L, Meunier H, Mobili F, Morino L, Motes-Rodrigo A, Nijman V, Ihom CN, Persson T, Pietraszewski D, Parrish JR, Roig A, Sánchez-Amaro A, Sato Y, Sauciuc G, Schrock A, Schweinfurth M, Seed A, Shearer C, Šlipogor V, Su Y, Sutherland K, Tan J, Taylor D, Troisi C, Völter C, Warren E, Watzek J, Zablocki-Thomas P
The Evolution of Primate Short-Term Memory.

Animal Behavior and Cognition, 9(4): 428-516 2022/11


Castellano‐Navarro A, Francés VB, Albiach‐Serrano A, MacIntosh AJJ, Maulany RI, Ngakan PO, Liebal K, Amici F
Maternal and offspring behavior in free-ranging Japanese and moor macaques: A comparative approach.

American Journal of Primatology, 85(2): e23461 2022/12/27


Hori M, Kimura SS, Mizutani Y, Miyagawa Y, Ito K, Arai N, Niizuma Y
Detection of telomere length and oxidative stress in Chondrichthyes.

Fisheries Science, 88(6) 741-750 2022/09/22


Hoshino S, Seino S, Azumano A, Tuuga A, Nathan SKSS, Saldivar DAR, Goossens B, Salgado-Lynn M, Matsuda I, Yayota M
Modifying the diets of captive proboscis monkeys in a temperate zoo to reduce weight loss and renal disease.

Primates, 64: 123-141 2022/11/10


Ishikawa S, Ozeki Y, Suga S, Mukai Y, Kobayashi H, Inouchi E, Kaboso SA, Gebretsadik G, Dewi DNSS, Nishiyama A, Tateishi Y, Takihara H, Okuda S, Yoshida S, Misawa N, Matsumoto S
Monitoring IgG against Mycobacterium tuberculosis proteins in an Asian elephant cured of tuberculosis that developed from long-term latency.

Scientific Reports, 12, 4310 2022/03/12


Jardat P, Ringhofer M, Yamamoto S, Gouyet C, Degrande R, Parias C, Reigner F, Calandreau L, Lansade L
Horses form cross-modal representations of adults and children.

Animal cognition, 26(2): 369-377 2022/08/13


Katayama M, Fukuda T, Kaneko T, Nakagawa Y, Tajima A, Naito M, Ohmaki H, Endo D, Asano M, Nagamine T, Nakaya Y, Saito K, Watanabe Y, Tani T, Inoue-Murayama M, Nakajima N, Onuma M
Induced pluripotent stem cells of endangered avian species.

Communications BIOLOGY , 5: 1049 2022/10/24

Kobayashi N, Kondo S, Tsujii K, Oki K, Hida M, Okabe H, Yoshikawa T, Ogawa R, Lee C, Higashi N, Okamoto R, Ozawa S, Uchida S, Mitani Y
Interchanges and movements of humpback whales in Japanese waters: Okinawa, Ogasawara, Amami, and Hokkaido, using an automated matching system.

PLoS ONE, 17(11): e0277761 2022/11/17


Ogawa H, Ohya K, Ayizanga R, Miyamoto H, Shigeno A, Yamada M, Takashima Y, Inoue-Murayama M, Takada A, Kayang BB
Detection of anti-ebolavirus antibodies in Ghanaian pigs.

Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 84(11): 1491-1494 2022/09/20


SASSA-O’BRIEN Y, Ohya K, Yasuda-Koga S, Chahota R, Suganuma S, Inoue-Murayama M, Fukushi H, Kayang B, Owusu EH, Takashima Y
Chlamydial species among wild birds and livestock in the foothills of Mt. Afadjato, Ghana.

Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 84(6): 817-823 2022/08/28

Scully EJ, Liu W, Li Y, Ndjango JN, Peeters M, Kamenya S, Pusey AE, Lonsdorf EV, Sanz CM, Morgan DB, Piel AK, Stewart FA, Gonder MK, Simmons N, Asiimwe C, Zuberbühler K, Koops K, Chapman CA, Chancellor R, Rundus A, Huffman MA, Wolfe ND, Duraisingh MT, Hahn BH, Wrangham RW
The ecology and epidemiology of malaria parasitism in wild chimpanzee reservoirs.

Communication Biology, 5, 1020 2022/09/27


Toda K, Mouri K, Ryu H, Sakamaki T, Tokuyama N, Yokoyama T, Shibata S, Poiret M, Shimizu K, Hashimoto C, Furuichi T
Do female bonobos (Pan paniscus) disperse at the onset of puberty? Hormonal and behavioral changes related to their dispersal timing.

Hormones and Behavior, 142, 105159 2022/04/22


Xu Z, MacIntosh AJJ, Castellano-Navarro A, Macanás-Martínez E, Suzumura T, Duboscq J
Linking parasitism to network centrality and the impact of sampling bias in its interpretation.

PeerJ, 10:e14305 2022/11/18



荒蒔 祐輔, 魚津 諒大, 金澤 朋子, 渡邊 駿, 福田 健二, 浦島 匡, 田中 正之

ミルクサイエンス, 71(2): 34-41 2022/08/23


Matsuda I, Grueter CC, Teichroeb JA
The Colobines: Natural History, Behaviour and Ecological Diversity, Cambridge University Press 2022/02/24


服部志帆, 小泉都
霊長類学者 川村俊蔵のフィールドノートー1950年代屋久島の猟師と後継者たち, 南方新社 2022/01/10


Huffman MA, Nahallage CAD, Ananda T, Kanthilatha N, Perera N, Bardi M, Adikari G
The Prehistoric Nonhuman Primate Subfossil Remains at Sigiriya Potana Cave, Sri Lanka.
In Bernardo Urbani, Dionisios Youlatos, and Andrzej T. Antczak, World Archaeoprimatology: Interconnections of Humans and Nonhuman Primates in the Past, (pp. 456-473). Cambridge University Press 2022/08/03


平田聡, 嶋田珠巳
時間はなぜあるのか?チンパンジー学者と言語学者の探険, ミネルヴァ書房 2022/03/31


第4章 心の進化を遺伝子からみる ―不安・好奇心・幸福度
In 稲村哲也,山極 壽一,清水展,阿部 健一(編集), レジリエンス人類史, 京都大学学術出版会 2022/04/12


第6章 研究、開発が進む次世代のたんぱく質②グラスカッター(食用齧歯類)
国民の栄養白書2021年度版, (pp. p185-193). 日本医療企画 2022/01/26


第4章 動物園動物の福祉 第2-2節
In 新村毅(編), 動物福祉学, 昭和堂 2022/04/15


持田 浩治
第三部 爬虫類・両生類
In 秋山豊子(監修), 動物の体色がわかる図鑑, (pp. 144-167). グラフィック社 2022/07/25


三谷曜子, 神保美渚, 櫻木雄太
特集1 「ひれあし類,野外(そと)から見るか,飼育(なか)からみるか」 ゼニガタアザラシとヒトが共に暮らす海のために
勇魚, 76: 5-10 2022/09/17


村山 美穂
読売中高生新聞, 2022/02/25


「野生生物と社会」学会ワイルドライフフォーラム, 27巻(1)、6-8 2022/08/15


トピックス 大型げっ歯類グラスカッターの家畜化
臨床栄養, 140 (6): 829-832 2022/05


モンキー, 7(1): 14-15 2022/06/01


谷口 晴香
生態人類学会ニュースレター, 28; pp.18-24 2022/10/31


村山 美穂
科学トラベラー「一位のオス 子は少ない?」
読売中高生新聞, 2022/07/01


モンキー, 6(4) :92-93 2022/03/15


かごしま水族館ニュースレター「さくらじまの海」, 97: 1-3 2022/03/01


モンキー, 6(4): 98-99 2022/03/15


Hirata S
Sky after 30 years: a brief biography of three biomedical research chimpanzees in Japan.
Primates, 63: 105-108 2022/02/17


Dery TSS, Adenyo C, Besil F, Jahan I, Ahmed S, Matsumoto Y, Kayang BB, Inoue-Murayama M
[Conference Report] An exploration study of entomophagy in North-Western Ghana for alternative and sustainable protein supply.
JICHA Journal , 9(1) 1-23 2022/11/30


今野晃嗣, 村山美穂
生物の科学 遺伝, 76(5): 346-353 2022/09


Hirakawa H, Muramatsu D, Gordo M, Takii A, Izumiyama S
GAP method: a gap-based technique for outlier detection and its application to wildlife GPS data.
Research Square, 2022/04/22


堀 裕亮, 谷藤 誠斗, 戸松 太一, 上野 将敬, 村山 美穂, 河合 正人, 瀧本 彩加
DNA多型, 30: 16-20 2022/04/01


Muramatsu D, Vidal LV, Costa ER, Yoda K, Yabe T, Gordo M
Low-cost thermoregulation of wild sloths revealed by heart rate and temperature loggers.
Social Science Research Network, 2022/03/30


臨床栄養, 140 (6): 829-832 2022/05


Sato Y
Understanding of Others in Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes): Cognitive and Affective Underpinnings. チンパンジーによる他者理解:認知・情動的基盤
京都大学理学研究科 2022/03/23


Havercamp K
Chimpanzee life history patterns and behavioral changes with age. チンパンジーの生活史パターン及び加齢に伴う行動変容についての研究
(Kyoto University Research Information Repository), 京都大学理学研究科 2022/03/23


京都大学理学研究科 2022/03/23