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Sakai M, Kimura SS, Mizutani Y, Ishikawa M, Ito T, Arai N, Niizuma Y
Telomere length changes in the Pacific white-sided dolphin measured for one and a half years.

Marine Mammal Science, e13123 2024/04/01



Furuichi T, Idani G, Kimura D, Ihobe H, Hashimoto C
Bonobos and people at Wamba: 50 years of research, Springer 2024/02/26


Allanic M
A Closer Look at Grooming Patterns in Bonobos.
In Takeshi Furuichi, Gen'ichi Idani, Daiji Kimura, Hiroshi Ihobe, Chie Hashimoto, Bonobos and people at Wamba: 50 years of research, (pp. 149-165). Springer 2024/02/26


Takemoto H
The Influence of the Congo River on the Evolutionary Trajectory of Bonobos.
In Takeshi Furuichi, Gen'ichi Idani, Daiji Kimura, Hiroshi Ihobe, Chie Hashimoto, Bonobos and People at Wamba: 50 Years of Research, (pp. 477-496). Springer 2024/02/26


Fasbender D
Column: From Nests and Videos to Wamba Bonobos.
In Takeshi Furuichi, Gen'ichi Idani, Daiji Kimura, Hiroshi Ihobe, Chie Hashimoto, Bonobos and people at Wamba: 50 years of research, (pp. 333–335). Springer 2024/02/26


3.10.5 アザラシ(主に北半球太平洋側で見られる種)
In 動物の行動と管理学会(編), 改訂版 動物行動図説 ―産業動物・伴侶動物・展示動物・実験動物―, (pp. 159-161). 朝倉書店 2024/04/05


Sakamaki T, Tokuyama N
Potential Benefits of Intergroup Associations and Chronological Changes of Intergroup Relationships in Bonobos.
In Takeshi Furuichi, Gen'ichi Idani, Daiji Kimura, Hiroshi Ihobe, Chie Hashimoto, Bonobos and people at Wamba: 50 years of research, (pp. 311-332). Springer 2024/02/26


Yamamoto S
Column: Food Sharing in Rich Environments.
In Takeshi Furuichi, Gen'ichi Idani, Daiji Kimura, Hiroshi Ihobe, Chie Hashimoto, Bonobos and people at Wamba: 50 years of research, (pp. 233–235). Springer 2024/02/26


Hashimoto C
Sexual behaviors and hormonal background of female bonobos.
In Takeshi Fuiruichi, Gen'ichi Idani, Daiji Kimura, Hiroshi Ihobe, Chie Hashimoto, Bonobos and people at Wamba: 50 years of research, (pp. 61-76). Springer 2024/02/26


Tokuyama N
Aggressive behaviors and social dominance in bonobos.
In Takeshi Furuichi, Gen'ichi Idani, Daiji Kimura, Hiroshi Ihobe, Chie Hashimoto, Bonobos and people at Wamba: 50 years of research, (pp. 247-265). Springer 2024/02/26


Shibata S, Furuichi T
Intermale Relationships in Wild Bonobos at Wamba.
In Takeshi Furuichi, Gen'ichi Idani, Daiji Kimura, Hiroshi Ihobe, Chie Hashimoto, Bonobos and people at Wamba: 50 years of research, (pp. 285-310). Springer 2024/02/26


Kazuya Toda, Nahoko Tokuyama, Tetsuya Sakamaki
Multiple Phases of Natal Transfer Process in Female Bonobos and Factors Underlying Each Phase: Findings from Long-Term Observations in Wild Populations.
In Takeshi Furuichi, Gen'ichi Idani, Daiji Kimura, Hiroshi Ihobe, Chie Hashimoto, Bonobos and people at Wamba: 50 years of research, (pp. 181–209). Springer 2024/02/26


Furuichi T
Prolonged sexual receptivity in females and its ompact on the evolution of bonobos.
In Takeshi Furuichi, Gen'ichi Idani, Daiji Kimura, Hiroshi Ihobe, Chie Hashimoto, Bonobos and people at Wamba: 50 years of research, (pp. 545-564). Springer 2024/02/26


Idani G
Social behaviors of nulliparous adolescent female bonobos.
In Takeshi Furuichi, Gen'ichi Idani, Daiji Kimura, Hiroshi Ihobe, Chie Hashimoto, Bonobos and people at Wamba: 50 years of research, (pp. 211-228). Springer 2024/02/26


動物からみた“個性” 特集 脳と個性
生体の科学, 75(1)1-6 2024/01


斉 惠元
ネコ科の多様な種におけるエピジェネティッククロックの開発─小型種から大型種, 飼育から野生まで 特集「野生動物のエピジェネティッククロック〜DNAメチル化を指標とした年齢推定」
生物の科学 遺伝 , 78(3) 2024/05/01


アジアゾウの年齢推定ー長寿な生態系エンジニアの生涯とは? 特集「野生動物のエピジェネティッククロック〜DNAメチル化を指標とした年齢推定」
生物の科学 遺伝 , 78(3): 190-195 2024/05/01


村山 美穂
総論 エピジェネティッククロックを活用した野生動物の遺伝資源保全─老化の謎に迫る
生物の科学 遺伝 , 78(3) 2024/05/01


Hirata S
Treatment of hepatitis in ex-biomedical chimpanzees at a Japanese sanctuary thanks to support from the general public.
Primates, 2024/01/06


Borghezan EA
Effects of divergent waters colours on Amazon fish evolution. 水色の違いがアマゾン川の魚の進化に及ぼす影響
京都大学理学研究科 2024/03/22


Yoshimura H
A multifaceted approach to the study of plant-eating in feline carnivores. ネコ科肉食動物の植物食に関する多角的アプローチによる研究
京都大学理学研究科 2024/03/22


Qi H
Development of epigenetic clocks in multiple felid species-from small to big, domestic to wild. ネコ科の多様な種におけるエピジェネティック時計の開発-小型種から大型種、飼育から野生まで-
京都大学理学研究科 2024/03/22


Naito-Liederbach AM
Genetic diversity assessment and conservation implications for two raptor species. 猛禽類2種の遺伝的多様性評価と保全上の意義
京都大学理学研究科 2024/03/22


Lin C
Measuring Emotional States in Chimpanzees through Judgment Bias via a Go/no-go Touch Screen Task.
京都大学理学研究科 2024/03/22


Monge MO
Comparative Ranging Patterns in Sea Cow Species.
京都大学理学研究科 2024/03/22


京都大学理学研究科 2024/03/22


京都大学理学研究科 2024/03/22


京都大学理学研究科 2024/03/22