
Seminars in 2018

February 20, 2019 Sota Inoue 
Rules in feral horses
1. Lateralization of spatial positioning in nearest neighbor
2. Mathematical simulation for estimating forces of repulsion and attraction


2019年2月20日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室

◼︎発表者: 井上漱太  ◼︎ (スライド:英語、口頭説明:日本語)


Wildlife Research Center Seminar

Date: Feb. 20th  (Wed) 13:30-
@Wildlife Research Center B1 floor
(Please see the map below.)

◼︎Speaker: Sota Inoue◼︎ (Slides in English and talk in Japanese)

Rules in feral horses
1. Lateralization of spatial positioning in nearest neighbor
2. Mathematical simulation for estimating forces of repulsion and attraction

Upcoming seminar
2/27(Wed) no seminar
3/6 (Wed) Nachiketh
3/13 (Wed) Giovanni
3/20 (Wed) Liu Jie
3/27 (Wed) Miyeon

2019年2月6日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室


趣旨説明 村山美穂 

札幌市円山動物園:伊藤真輝、神戸市立王子動物園:菅野 拓、ほか

Wildlife Research Center Seminar

Date: February. 6th  (Wed) 13:30-
@Wildlife Research Center B1 floor
(Please see the map below.)

Some guests from zoos will introduce their activities.  Presentation will be in Japanese.

Upcoming seminar
2/13(Wed) Nakano 
2/20(Wed) Mi Yean
2/26(Wed) Inoue

2019年1月30日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室

Wildlife Research Center Seminar

Date: January. 30th  (Wed) 13:30-
@Wildlife Research Center B1 floor
(Please see the map below.)

◼︎Speaker : Hanling Yeow ◼︎

Diamond geochronology: Finding out the age of diamonds and Masters research plan in primate gestural communication and thanatology

Upcoming seminar
2/6(Wed) Presentation of guests from zoos  
2/13(Wed) scheduling
2/20(Wed) Mi Yean
2/26(Wed) Inoue


日時:2019年1月22日(火) 13:00- 


13:00-13:25  岡 桃子           環境エンリッチメントが飼育下トラ及び来園者に与える影響の検証
13:25-13:50  楊木 萌           ウガンダ・キバレ国立公園におけるゾウ個体群の生息環境と食性
13:50-14:15  佐藤 侑太郎    他者の怪我・痛みに対するチンパンジーの注意・生理反応

Wildlife Research Center Master Thesis Presentation

All will make a presentation in Japanese.

Date: January. 22nd  (Tue) 13:00-
Venue: Wildlife Research Center B1 floor
(Please see the map below.)

13:00-13:25  Momoko Oka
13:25-13:50  Moe Yanagi
13:50-14:15  Yutaro Sato

京都大学大学院理学研究科 生物科学専攻 霊長類学・野生動物系
野生動物研究センター 博士論文発表会

場所:野生動物研究センター地下1階 セミナー室

佐藤 悠(指導教員:村山美穂)
Genetic research into the Japanese golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos japonica) for conservation management

The social and ecological significance of nursery groups in wild giraffe


2019年1月16日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室

◼︎ 発表者 : 楊木 萌 ◼︎ (修論発表練習、発表言語:日本語)


ウガンダ共和国のキバレ国立公園は熱帯雨林とサバンナに挟まれた湿潤常緑多雨林が広がり、多様な植生が混在するフィールドである。同地は本来、サバンナゾウの分布域であるが、近年、隣国コンゴ民主共和国 からマルミミゾウが移入してきている。結果として、公園内のゾウの個体密度は2001年から2003年までに354% 増加したことが確認されている。こうしたマルミミゾウの移入に伴い、サバンナゾウとの交雑個体の増加が確認されている。また本地域ではゾウによる農作物の被害が増加し、国立公園に隣接する村の住民との軋轢が深刻な問題となっている。こうした農作物被害への有効な対策を講じるためには、本地域のゾウ個体群による生息地利用や環境選好性を明らかにする必要がある。以上の背景から、キバレ国立公園に生息するゾウ個体群を対象とし、サバンナゾウとマルミミゾウの交雑個体群の生態解明に向けた調査を実施した。食性解析、痕跡調査の結果から、キバレ国立公園内に生息するゾウ個体群は二次林・草原にみられる豊富な林床植生を好み、草本・木本植物の葉・樹皮部位、二次林・草原に多く分布する果実を主に利用していることなど、サバンナゾウとマルミミゾウ交雑個体群の生態に関わるいくつかの傾向を発見した。またこうした生態学的情報が、地域特性に適した野生動物管理のための有用な情報となることが示唆された。

Wildlife Research Center Seminar

Date: Jan. 16th  (Wed) 13:30-
@Wildlife Research Center B1 floor
(Please see the map below.)

◼︎Speaker: Moe Yanagi ◼︎ (practice of master thesis presentation / language: Japanese)

Upcoming seminar
1/17(Thu) Doctor thesis presentation
1/22(Tue) Master thesis presentation
1/30(Wed) Hanling

2019年1月9日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室

◼︎発表者1 : 佐藤侑太郎  ◼︎ (修論発表練習、発表言語:日本語)

 ヒトでは他者の怪我や痛みを見たときにネガティブ情動が生じる。この情動には共感的痛みや嫌悪が含まれる。顔の表情や悲鳴などの痛みを表す顕著な手がかりがなくてもこの反応は生じる。この心理メカニズムは他者が抱える苦痛を理解するうえで重要である。ヒトを対象とした研究はさかんにおこなわれている一方、ヒト以外の霊長類を対象とした研究は少ない。チンパンジー (Pan troglodytes) は、怪我を負った個体や攻撃を受けた個体に対して毛づくろいなどの親和行動を向けることがある。発表者はチンパンジーにおける他者の怪我や痛みに対する反応を認知実験によって調べた。熊本サンクチュアリで飼育される6個体のチンパンジーを対象に一連の実験をおこなった。第一に、怪我を負った個体に対しチンパンジーが自発的に注意を向けるのかをアイ・トラッキング実験によって検討した。実験の結果、怪我を負った個体に対する選好注視が確認された。また、怪我が単純に赤くて目立つことだけではこの傾向は説明されないことがわかった。次に、他者の怪我・痛みに対するチンパンジーの心理生理的反応に焦点を当てた。過去の研究から霊長類の鼻の先の皮膚温が情動指標(特にネガティブ情動)になることがわかっている。本実験においても赤外線サーモグラフィを用いて非接触的に鼻尖温の測定をおこなった。怪我を負った個体の静止画や他個体が注射を打たれる場面の動画をチンパンジーに提示した。チンパンジーはこれらの刺激に対しコントロールの刺激よりも強い反応を示すことはなかった。原因として、提示した刺激がリアリティに欠けていた可能性が考えられる。そこで次に、ヒト実験者による実演場面での生理反応を検討した。ヒト実験者にメイクを施し怪我と出血を再現した。この実演を提示したとき、コントロールの実演提示時よりもチンパンジーの鼻尖温が大きく低下した。この反応は、特に3個体のオトナメスにおいて顕著であった。最後に、ヒト実験者の指(偽物)に針を突き刺す実演を提示した。この状況は顕著な身体損傷や出血がなく、またチンパンジーにとって新奇であることから、より認知的に高度であると考えられる。実際にチンパンジーはこの実演をコントロールの実演と区別しなかった。これらの結果は、チンパンジーが他者の怪我に対し部分的に情動反応を示すことを示唆している。

◼︎発表者2 : 岡桃子 ◼︎ (修論発表練習、発表言語:日本語)


Wildlife Research Center Seminar

Date: Jan. 9th  (Wed) 13:30-
@Wildlife Research Center B1 floor
(Please see the map below.)

◼︎Speaker1:Yutaro Sato ◼︎ (practice of master thesis presentation / language: Japanese)

◼︎Speaker2:Momoko Oka ◼︎ (practice of master thesis presentation / language: Japanese)  

Upcoming seminar
1/16(Wed) Yanagi (practice of master thesis presentation)
1/17(Thu) Doctor thesis presentation
1/22(Tue) Master thesis presentation

2018年12月19日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室

◼︎発表者 : 楊木萌 ◼︎ (修論発表練習、発表言語:日本語)


21世紀に入り、アフリカゾウの二亜種と考えられてきたマルミミゾウ Loxodonta cyclotis とサバンナゾウ L. africana の間に大きな遺伝的分化が確認された。両種は長期間の遺伝的距離が存在するにも関わらず、その生息地の境界にあたる場所において、交配可能な交雑種が確認されている。しかし、この交雑個体の生態学・行動学的な特徴については未だ多くが不明瞭なままである。いずれも絶滅危惧種に指定されている両種の保全策を考えるためには、交雑個体群の生態を理解し、今後生態系に及ぼしうる影響を考えていくことが重要である。ウガンダ共和国のキバレ国立公園は本来、サバンナゾウの分布域であるが、近年、隣国コンゴ民主共和国からマルミミゾウが移入してきている。移入に伴い、サバンナゾウとの交雑個体の増加が確認されている。本地域ではゾウによる農作物の被害が増加し、国立公園に隣接する村の住民との軋轢が深刻な問題となっている。農作物被害への有効な対策を講じるためには、本地域のゾウ個体群による生息地利用や環境選好性を明らかにする必要がある。以上の背景から、キバレ国立公園に生息するゾウ個体群を対象とし、サバンナゾウとマルミミゾウの交雑個体群の生態解明に向けた調査を実施した。食性解析、痕跡調査等の結果から、キバレ国立公園内に生息するゾウ個体群は二次林・草原にみられる豊富な林床植生を好み、草本・木本植物の葉・樹皮部位を主に利用していることなど、サバンナゾウとマルミミゾウ交雑個体群の生態に関わるいくつかの傾向を発見した。またこうした生態学的情報が、地域特性に適した保全施策提言のための有用な情報となることが示唆された。

Wildlife Research Center Seminar

Date: Dec. 19th  (Wed) 13:30-
@Wildlife Research Center B1 floor
(Please see the map below.)

◼︎Speaker: Moe Yanagi◼︎ (practice of master thesis presentation / language: Japanese)

Upcoming seminar
12/26(Wed)  no seminar
1/9 (Wed)    scheduling
1/16(Wed) Sato, Yanagi, Oka (practice of master thesis presentation)
1/17(Thu) Doctor thesis presentation
1/22(Tue) Master thesis presentation

2018年12月12日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室

◼︎発表者 : 岡桃子 ◼︎ (修論発表練習、発表言語:日本語)


Wildlife Research Center Seminar

Date: Dec. 12th  (Wed) 13:30-
@Wildlife Research Center B1 floor
(Please see the map below.)

◼︎Speaker: Momoko Oka◼︎ (practice of master thesis presentation / language: Japanese)

Upcoming seminar
12/19(Wed)  Moe Yanagi (practice of master thesis presentation)
12/26(Wed)  no seminar

2018年12月5日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室

◼︎発表者 : 佐藤侑太郎  ◼︎ (修論発表練習、発表言語:日本語)

 チンパンジー (Pan troglodytes) は,怪我を負った個体や攻撃を受けた個体に対して毛づくろいなどの親和的行動を向けることがある.これらの例は,苦痛を抱える他者への共感 (empathy) に基づくと解釈されることがある.しかし、他者の置かれた状況をどのように認知しているのかは解明されていない.他者の痛みに対して共感し他者をケアする能力は、ヒト進化を支える重要な心理メカニズムであると考えられる.本研究の対象であるチンパンジーは、ボノボと並んでヒトと最も近縁な動物である.ヒトにみられる痛みへの共感の進化的起源を考える上で、チンパンジーにおける他者の怪我・痛みの認知プロセスを知ることは重要である.発表者はまず,チンパンジーによる他個体の怪我の基本的な理解を調べるため、アイ・トラッキング実験をおこなった。この実験から、チンパンジーが怪我を負った他個体に対して自発的に注意を向けることが示唆された.すなわち,チンパンジーは怪我を負った状態を通常の状態から区別する可能性が示唆された.次に,他者の怪我・痛みに対する情動的反応を検討するため、赤外線サーモイメージングを用いた実験をおこなった.この実験から,チンパンジーが他者の怪我を見ることでネガティブ情動が喚起される可能性が示唆された.また、個体間で反応に大きな差がみられた.若メスとオトナオスに比べてオトナメスが怪我に強い反応を示した.この結果から、怪我に対する情動的反応はその個体の経験などの要因によって影響される可能性が考えられる.

Wildlife Research Center Seminar

Date: Dec. 5th  (Wed) 13:30-
@Wildlife Research Center B1 floor
(Please see the map below.)

◼︎Speaker: Yutaro Sato◼︎ (practice of master thesis presentation / language: Japanese)

Upcoming seminar
12/12(Wed)  Momoko Oka (practice of master thesis presentation)
12/19(Wed)  Moe Yanagi (practice of master thesis presentation)
12/26(Wed)  no seminar

2018年11月28日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室

◼︎発表者 : Annegret Moto Naito  ◼︎ 

Wildlife Research Center Seminar

Date: November. 28th  (Wed) 13:30-
@Wildlife Research Center B1 floor
(Please see the map below.)

◼︎Speaker : Annegret Moto Naito ◼︎
Vocalizations of a new population in an avian ring species and research plan for the conservation genetics of the Japanese golden eagle

12/5(Wed)    Yutaro Sato (practice of master thesis presentation)
12/12(Wed)  Momoko Oka (practice of master thesis presentation)
12/19(Wed)  Moe Yanagi (practice of master thesis presentation)
12/26(Wed)  no seminar


2018年11月21日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室

Wildlife Research Center Seminar

Date: November. 21th  (Wed) 13:30-
@Wildlife Research Center B1 floor
(Please see the map below.)

◼︎Speaker : Elio A. Borghezan◼︎ 

Local adaptation to colourful waters: does visual adaptation affect ecological tasks?

Upcoming seminar:
11/28(Wed)  Annegret Moto Naito 
12/5(Wed)    Yutaro Sato (practice of master thesis presentation)
12/12(Wed)  Momoko Oka (practice of master thesis presentation)
12/19(Wed)  Moe Yanagi (practice of master thesis presentation)

2018年10月31日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室

◼︎発表者 : 松川 あおい◼︎ (博士論文構想発表会)


Wildlife Research Center Seminar

Date: October. 31th  (Wed) 13:30-
@Wildlife Research Center B1 floor
(Please see the map below.)

◼︎Speaker : Aoi Matsukawa ◼︎ (Presentation of the plan for doctor thesis)

Ecology and social structure of porcupines living in Bornean tropical rainforests


2018年10月24日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室

◼︎発表者 1: 佐藤悠◼︎ (博士論文構想発表会)

◼︎発表者 2: 齋藤美保◼︎ (博士論文構想発表会)  

Wildlife Research Center Seminar

Date: October. 24th  (Wed) 13:30-
@Wildlife Research Center B1 floor
(Please see the map below.)

◼︎Speaker 1: Yu Sato ◼︎ (Presentation of the plan for doctor thesis)
Genetic research of Japanese golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos japonica) for conservation managements

◼︎Speaker2: Miho Saito◼︎ (Presentation of the plan for doctor thesis)  
 A nursery system in giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi)  -A behavioral, ecological, and sociological study- 

Upcoming seminar:
10/26(Fri)     Dr. Alexis Lécu (Asura seminar)
10/29(Mon)  Miléna Trosh (extraordinary seminar)
10/31(Wed)  Matsukawa (Presentation of the plan for doctor thesis)


2018年10月10日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室
Wildlife Research Center Seminar

Date: October. 10th  (Wed) 13:30-
@Wildlife Research Center B1 floor
(Please see the map below.)

◼︎Speaker: Kanthi Arum Widayati◼︎ (Slides in English and talk in English)

Color Perception of Female Color Blind Gene Carrier Macaca fascicularis  

Female carriers of X chromosome-linked color vision deficiency exhibit mild abnormality, while dichromats show a distinct deficiency in discriminating certain color pairs. Dichromats have an advantage to detect a textured target when it is camouflaged by red-green colors due to the insensitivity to these colors. However, it is not certain whether the carriers possess a similar advantage for those breaking camouflage. Here we introduce the animal model of dichromatic macaque monkeys and female carriers. We examined whether the carrier females have the same advantage in breaking color camouflage as shown by dichromatic macaques. We also tested if they could discriminate a certain color pair that the trichromats could discriminate but the dichromats confused. Our experiments showed that the carrier macaques were able to break color camouflage as good as the dichromats, and that they could discriminate colors the same as the trichromats.  

Upcoming seminar:
10/17(Wed) No seminar
10/24(Wed)  Sato, Saito (Presentation of the plan for doctor thesis)
10/31(Wed)  Matsukawa (Presentation of the plan for doctor thesis)


2018年10月3日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室
Wildlife Research Center Seminar

Date: October. 3rd  (Wed) 13:30-
@Wildlife Research Center B1 floor
(Please see the map below.)

◼︎Speaker: Kei Matsushima◼︎ (Slides in English and talk in English)

Short-term gut microorganism dynamics induced by gumnivorous feeding for lesser slow loris

Lessor slow lorises (Nycticebus pygmaeus) naturally ingest plant gum as a main food. However, it is not popular to feed plant gum for slow lorises in captive environments such as zoos. In this study, we fed plant gum continuously for two lesser slow lorises reared in Japan Monkey Centre, which have rarely eaten plant gum. We assess the effect by analyzing the change of their gut microbiota from the viewpoint of animal welfare and feeding enrichment. Plant gum is composed of low degradable polysaccharide. Therefore, slow lorises may depend on gut microbiota for digestion of plant gum.

We collected their feces before and after feeding gum arabic for one month, respectively. We amplified the V1-V2 region of the bacterial 16S rRNA using universal primers by PCR and massively sequenced by an Illumina Miseq. Sequenced data is analyzed by the Qiime and R platform. We found that the microbiota structure is quite changed drastically after two days from starting feeding gum, which is the same as their detention time. Especially, the most drastic changed happened in Prevotellaceae. Some taxa had decreased or complementarily increased and some had vanished. We will analyze the functional aspect of these taxa by cultivation.


Upcoming seminar:
Schedule being adjusted


2018年7月25日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室

Wildlife Research Center Seminar

Date: July. 25th  (Wed) 13:30-
@Wildlife Research Center B1 floor
(Please see the map below.)

◼︎Speaker: Kristin Havercamp  ◼︎ (Slides and talk in English)

Using camera traps to study wild chimpanzee social behavior (MSc project) and aging in captive and wild chimpanzees (PhD plan)

During my MSc study at UCL in London, I worked in collaboration with the Primatology Department at the Max Planck Institute to analyze camera trap videos of wild chimpanzees collected as part of the Pan African Programme. The goal of my study was to elucidate patterns of gregariousness on a broader scale than was previously possible by using data gathered from 1,885 recordings at four sites spanning from West to East Africa, each home to one of the four subspecies of chimpanzees, while also critically discussing the challenges and merits of camera trap data. For my PhD research at Kyoto University I continue to study chimpanzees, however focus on aging. We currently know very little about the physical and cognitive changes that occur with age in great apes, and even less about behavioral changes. Captive populations of great apes around the world now include more elderly (or 'aged', sometimes defined as 33 years or older) individuals than at any other time in history. It is thus crucial that we better understand the behavioral manifestations of age both in wild and captive individuals in order to improve welfare in captivity. In this seminar I will present a summary of my master's research and the four main goals of my PhD study

Upcoming seminar :
We will have the next seminar in the second semester.  


2018年7月18日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室

◼︎発表者:楊木萌◼︎ (スライド:英語、口頭説明:日本語)



 ウガンダ共和国のキバレ国立公園は熱帯雨林とサバンナに挟まれた湿潤常緑多雨林であり、原生林と二次林、草原など多様な植生が混在する約 795 km2 のフィールドである。同地は本来、サバンナゾウ (Loxodonta Africana) の分布域であるが、近年、隣国コンゴ民主共和国 (DRC) からマルミミゾウ (L. cyclotis が移入してきている。結果として、公園内のゾウの個体密度は2001年から2003年までに354増加したことが確認されている。こうしたマルミミゾウの移入に伴い、サバンナゾウとの交雑個体の増加が確認されている。また本地域ではゾウによる農作物の被害が増加し、国立公園に隣接する村の住民との軋轢が深刻な問題となっている。こうした農作物被害への有効な対策を講じるためには、本地域のゾウ個体群による生息地利用や環境選好性を明らかにする必要がある。そこで、キバレ国立公園に生息するゾウ個体群を対象とし、未だ不明瞭であるサバンナゾウとマルミミゾウの交雑個体群の生態解明に向けた調査を実施した。本セミナーではこれまでの結果と今後の計画について発表する。


7/25(水)  Kristin Havercamp 

Wildlife Research Center Seminar

Date: Jily. 18th  (Wed) 13:30-
@Wildlife Research Center B1 floor
(Please see the map below.)

◼︎Speaker:Moe Yanagi ◼︎ (Slides in English and talk in Japanese)

Measuring habitat preferences of African elephants in Kibale National Park, Uganda


Kibale National Park (KNP) in the Republic of Uganda is a humid evergreen rainforest between tropical rainforest and savanna, where diverse vegetation such as primary forest, secondary forest and grassland are mixed (795 km2). Originally savannah elephants have been distributed in this area, but forest elephants has been migrated from neighboring Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in recent years. As a result, the elephant population density in the park has increased by 354% from 2001 to 2003.

This migration has resulted in recent genetic analyses that document the hybridization between savanna elephant (Loxodonta Africana) and forest elephant (L. cyclotis) in this area. Despite recent interest in the elephants of KNP, little is known about elephant ranging patterns and behavior. A better understanding of elephant behavior is needed to more effectively deal with human-elephant conflicts, as well as promote the elephant conservation. This study focuses on quantifying elephant habitat preference in KNP. At this seminar I will present the results so far and future plans.

Upcoming seminar
7/25(Wed)  Kristin Havercamp 

2018年7月11日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室

◼︎発表者:佐藤侑太郎◼︎ (スライド:英語、口頭説明:日本語)

ヒト以外の動物において、他個体の怪我を調べる、苦痛を表出する他個体を慰める、などといった行動が観察されている。このような行動は、しばしば共感性の発現であると考えられるが、至近的な心理メカニズムについては未解明である。発表者は、他者の怪我や痛みに対するチンパンジー (Pan troglodytes)の反応を、注意と生理反応に注目した認知実験によって調べている。本セミナーでは、その結果と今後の展望について発表する。

7/18(水) 楊木
7/25(水)  Kristin Havercamp 

Wildlife Research Center Seminar

Date: July. 11th  (Wed) 13:30-
@Wildlife Research Center B1 floor
(Please see the map below.)

◼︎Speaker: Yutaro Sato◼︎ (Slides in English and talk in Japanese)

Chimpanzees' attention and physiological response to others' injury and pain

Nonhuman animals are observed to inspect groupmates' injury or console those being distressed. These behaviors are often interpreted as an expression of empathy. Yet, much remain unclear about the proximate psychological process. We carried out a series of cognitive experiments to examine chimpanzees' (Pan troglodytes) attention and physiological reactions to others' injury or pain. I would like to describe our progress and  future directions.  

Upcoming seminar
7/18(Wed) Yanagi 
7/25(Wed)  Kristin Havercamp 


2018年7月4日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室



Wildlife Research Center Seminar

Date: July. 4th  (Wed) 13:30-

@Wildlife Research Center B1 floor

(Please see the map below.)

◼︎Speaker: Takao Sasaki◼︎ (in English)

Psychology of animal groups: when and how collective intelligence emerges from individual cognition

For over a century, researchers have been investigating collective cognition, in which a group of individuals together processes information and acts as a single cognitive unit. However, we still know little about the circumstances under which groups achieve better (or worse) decisions than individuals. To address this question my research applies concepts and methods from psychology to both individuals and groups in order to directly compare their cognitive abilities. As model systems I use house-hunting by the ant Temnothorax rugatulus, and navigation by the homing pigeon, Columba livia. My work has shown that 1) rational group decisions can emerge from interactions among irrational individuals, 2) groups can process more information and thus are less prone to cognitive overload than individuals, and 3) groups show more precise discrimination than individuals, but individuals make better decisions than groups for easy discrimination tasks. Furthermore, my recent research has shown, for the first time in a non-human species, that group decisions are influenced by past experiences and improve progressively, a phenomenon known as cumulative cultural evolution. By combining empirical data and models I elucidate the emergent processes of collective cognition and suggest how and when groups (fail to) achieve higher cognitive performance than individuals.


Upcoming seminar

7/11(Wed) Sato (M2) 

7/18(Wed) Yanagi 

7/25(Wed)  Kristin Havercamp 


2018年6月27日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室

 Date and time: June 27th (Wed), 13:30-
Wildlife Research Center B1 floor 
  (Please see the map below.) 

 ■Speaker 1: Santhong Southammakoth■
 (Deputy Director, General Department of Forestry, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Lao P. D. R.)
National protected areas help protecting wild elephant in Laos
The protected area system in Laos was initial established officially in 1993 through PM Decree 164. This establishment announced 18 national protected areas (NPA). Recently, the NPA has further expanded to 24 sites, encompassing 3,768,080 ha or about 15.1 % of the country total land area. Due to a large coverage of NPAs, its management involves different government levels including village and sub-village committees, district technical teams, inter-provincial national protected area committees and central level support. The NPA has played an important role in conserving the forests and wildlife as well as improving local livelihoods. However, there are numbers of challenges related such as human resources, monitoring tools and financial limitation. The majority of the national protected areas is dependent upon annual financing from the Forest Development Trust Fund. Wildlife is under serious threat, especially elephants. Nowadays, elephants still remain widely in the nature mostly in the protected areas but very patchily distributed in forested areas, both in the highlands and lowlands. Two important and potential habitats for them are NPAs in Sayabouri Province west of the Mekong and Nakai Plateau. Other potential important elephant habitats might be in Phou Phanang and Phou Khao Khouay in Vientiane Province; Phou Xang He in Savannakhet Province; Dong Ampham and Dong Khanthung, including Xe Pian, close to Cambodian border; and Nam Et, Nam Xam, Phou Daen Din, and Nam Ha in the north, close to the Vietnamese and Chinese borders. The total population was estimated around 500-1,000 of wild elephants in 1990s.
 ■Speaker 2: Dr. Sithong Thongmanivong ■
 (Vice-Dean Faculty of Forest Science, National University of Laos)
Roles of faculty of forestry in human resource development for conservation in Laos
The education in Laos is considered as rapid progress since the 1980s. However, there are several challenges for Lao government to ensure a standard and quality of education are accessible for its population, especially for rural ethnic communities. The faculty of forestry (FOF) plays important roles to provide formal and informal educations and trainings related to forest management and conservation in Laos. Natural forests are the most important for national social-economic development and supporting the local people livelihoods as well as maintaining environment in Laos. During the mid of 19th century, wildlife and their habitats were widely destructed due to variety of reasons, in particularly the infrastructure and energy development. The forest conservation has been promulgate by the government through policies, laws and regulations. However, human resource development is necessary and required as a first priority. The FoF has been assigned not only in providing long term and short term education but also pursuing for scientific research. Further international collaboration and action are required to full fill this assignment. 


Upcoming seminar
7/4(Wed) Sasaki
7/11(Wed)  Sato
7/18(Wed)  Yanagi

2018年6月20日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室

Wildlife Research Center Seminar

Date: June. 20th  (Wed) 13:30-
@Wildlife Research Center B1 floor
(Please see the map below.)

◼︎Speaker:Sanjeeta Sharma Pokharel◼︎ (English)

Stress physiology in Asian elephants: Learning from past achievements and exploring future possibilities

Conservation of any concerned taxa in altered ecosystems requires an in-depth knowledge of their ecology, including key interdependent facets such as their physiology, behavior, and habitat. In addition, ecological and anthropogenic perturbations are known to influence the stress status of free-ranging animals. Understanding and assessing the effect of such disturbances on the physiological health of an animal, therefore, becomes important to gain a holistic picture of the animals’ well-being and to enable better conservation of that species. This talk will briefly highlight findings of my PhD research which addressed the proximate causations of the influence of intrinsic (age, sex, body condition and lactation) as well as extrinsic stressors (seasonality, group size, and human-induced stressors) on the stress-status (faecal glucocorticoid metabolites as a proxy of stress) of free-ranging Asian elephants. These findings elucidate that the stress-response in a free-ranging elephant is synergistically influenced by various ecological, social and anthropogenic correlates. This talk will also concentrate on research questions, technique development and validation experiments which we are conducting at the Wildlife Research Center to explore future possibilities of assessing the stress-response. Insights obtained from such studies are not only important in understanding the health status of elephants but in a long run, it helps to decipher the causes of conservation problems, evaluating the effect of conservation models and formulating the better strategies for the welfare of elephants.

◼︎Speaker: Hiroko Sakuragi◼︎ (Slides will be in English, talk will be in Japanese)

Maternal and sibling waiting behavior in wild chimpanzees

This study elucidates the neglected yet typical pattern of maternal and allomaternal (non-maternal caretaking) behavior in wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes): waiting. In the hope of adding to the knowledge of non-systematic allomothering among non-cooperative breeding species, it aimed to illustrate the flexible nature of mother and sibling behaviors in regard to taking care of older infants (>2 years; able to walk on its own during travel). Utilizing the unique setting of joint travel initiations, I observed mother and sibling waiting behaviors simultaneously, focusing on behavioral flexibility and coordination between them. To demonstrate the influence of siblings on maternal behaviors, I investigated maternal behavioral differences between mother-infant pairs with elder sibling and those without, with further examination of differences among the prior. I also investigated how mothers affected sibling behaviors. The results showed that mothers and siblings are likely to wait more when infants needed to be waited for more, such as when infants whimpered and when the other caretaker (mother or sibling) was absent or far from the infant. These findings indicate that mother and sibling waiting reflect the knowledge of each other’s situations, both acting in the interest of the infant when necessary. This study shows that mothers are the prime, but not the sole, caretaker of older infants in chimpanzees. Siblings (of the right age) take part occasionally; as a result, mothers with elder offspring spend less effort in infant care than those without. It is also safe to say that mothers not only “tolerate” caretaking by non-mothers as previous studies have suggested but depend on it at times.

6/27(水) 招聘者(ラオスから) 


Upcoming seminar
6/27(Wed) Guests from Laos 


2018年6月13日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室


◼︎発表者:鈴木美彩◼︎ (日本語)


卒業研究ではチーター(Acinonyx jubatus)を対象として多摩動物公園でマーキング行動の観察を行なった。放飼場では雌雄ともに高頻度でマーキング行動と匂いに関連する行動が観察され,これらがチーターの社会行動の中で主要な位置を占めることが示唆された。多くのマーキング行動の出現頻度や分布には雌雄差が認められ,その機能が異なる傾向があると考えられた。修士では卒業研究で得られた結果をもとにさらなるデータの蓄積やホルモン分析との比較によってマーキング行動とその機能を明らかにしていきたい。

◼︎発表者:瀧雄渡◼︎ (日本語)



◼︎発表者: 中野勝光 ◼︎ (日本語)


卒業研究として、ジュウシマツ(Lonchura striata domestica)における遺伝子多型と性格の関連の研究を行っていた。いくつか行動と遺伝子の関連が示唆されたが、特にAVT2Rと「警戒心」との関連は鳥類では新規の報告であった。修士研究では、ヤンバルクイナ(Gallirallus okinawae)等の鳥類を対象にDNAのメチル化の割合を指標とした年齢推定の研究を行う。DNAメチル化レベルと年齢との関連はヒトをはじめとする哺乳類と鳥類の一部で研究されているが、野生動物については情報が少ない。DNAメチル化の解析から年齢推定までの流れについて、計画を概説する。


6/20(水) Sanjeeta, 桜木

6/27(水) 招聘者(ラオスから) 


Wildlife Research Center Seminar

Date: June. 13th  (Wed) 13:30-

@Wildlife Research Center B1 floor

(Please see the map below.)

◼︎Speaker: Misa Suzuki◼︎ (in Japanese)

◼︎Speaker: Yuto Taki◼︎ (in Japanese) 


Relative population density estimation of the Japanese squirrel and genetic diversity analysis of the Ryukyu flying fox

In my graduation research, I developed two methods for estimating relative population density of the Japanese squirrel using the camera trap and the food remains methods. By using these methods, I estimated the relative population density at Mt. Daimonji and Mt. Otowa, Kyoto City. In my master course, I am going to analyze genetic diversity of the Ryukyu flying fox. The Ryukyu flying fox is divided into 5 subspecies, and 2 of them are regarded as Critically Endangered. However, there is no highly polymorphic genetic marker for the Ryukyu flying fox. Therefore, I am going to develop microsatellite markers for them. By using the markers, I will investigate their genetic diversity, genetic differentiation and gene flow between each island, and inbreeding depression.

◼︎Speaker: Masamitsu Nakano◼︎ (in Japanese) 

Upcoming seminar

6/20(Wed) Sanjeeta, Sakuragi 

6/27(Wed) Guests from Laos 


2018年6月6日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室


◼︎発表者:手塚あゆみ(龍谷大)◼︎ (スライド・プレゼン:日本語(間に合えば英語のハンドアウト))

ddRAD-seq を用いた対州馬の遺伝浸透と遺伝的多様性の検証 -在来家畜保全にddRAD-seq を利用する-



6/13(水) 鈴木・瀧・中野 

6/20(水) Sanjeeta 

6/27(水) ラオスからの招聘者の方々 


Wildlife Research Center Seminar

Date: June. 6th  (Wed) 13:30-

@Wildlife Research Center B1 floor

(Please see the map below.)

◼︎Speaker: Ayumi Tezuka (Ryukoku Univ.) ◼︎ (Slides and presentation in Japanese, and possibly English handout)

Unplanned crossbreedings between a native livestock and specific production breeds is one of the main reasons for the loss of valuable genetic resources in the native livestock. To avoid further loss of these resources, introgressed individuals should be identified for removal. In general, when the genetic diversity of a native livestock has already decreased, the removal of introgressed individuals from a population can put them on the brink of extinction. To solve this problem, high-resolution markers are needed to distinguish between introgression and native variation. Here, we applied ddRAD-Seq markers to analyze variation in a native Japanese equine breed, “Taishu,” which has undergone recent genetic introgression. Genome-wide ddRAD-Seq markers could distinguish the five breeds of native Japanese and Anglo-Arabian horses from their introgressed breeds. In the Taishu we found the signature of genetic introgression in only two chromosomes, but the signatures were separated in their genome, suggesting that the introgression might not be recent. The genetic diversity in the Taishu population was less than that in the other Japanese breeds, and the reduction in genetic diversity rather than genetic introgression is the most pressing issue. Although a few signatures of recent introgression were detected, a lot of shared SNPs (10% of all SNPs in Taishu) were detected between the Taishu and the Anglo-Arabian breeds. To avoid misestimations in the identification and estimation of the degree of introgression in native livestock, information on shared SNPs along with population genetics approaches based on the use of genome-wide markers, like ddRAD-Seq, is required.


Upcoming seminar

6/13(Wed) Suzuki, Taki, Nakano 

6/20(Wed) Sanjeeta 

6/27(Wed) Guests from Laos 


2018年5月30日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室


◼︎発表者:越智咲穂◼︎ (スライド:日本語、口頭説明:日本語)


発表者は卒業研究として、馬術競技における騎手とウマの同調について研究を行った。動作分析や騎手への質問紙調査、騎手・ウマ双方の心拍数の分析などを行い、騎手とウマの動作の間にはわずかではあるが時間的なずれがあること、また同調度が高い場合に騎手の心拍数が高くなることなどを明らかにした。修士ではウマ (Equus caballus)を対象とし、群れや個体間関係に注目しながら、種内での社会関係についての研究を行う予定である。また、卒業論文で注目したヒトーウマの関係も考察に含めながら比較検討することを目標とする。

◼︎発表者:前田玉青◼︎ (スライド:英語、口頭説明:日本語)


発表者は、卒業研究として南西諸島徳之島においてノネコ(Felis silvestris catus)の食性研究を行なっていた。今までノネコと呼ばれ、野生動物を主食としていると思われたネコも、実は集落で人の餌に依存していることを明らかにし、人の餌やりがネコの個体数を支えることで、間接的に希少種の減少を加速させている可能性を示唆した。今年度からは、ウマ(Equus caballus)を対象に研究を行う予定である。ポルトガルの野生化ウマを対象とした研究と飼育下のウマを対象とした研究、2つ候補があるので、それぞれについて計画を概説する。


6/6(水) 手塚あゆみ (龍谷大)

6/13(水) 鈴木・瀧・中野 

6/20(水) Sanjeeta 


Wildlife Research Center Seminar

Date: May. 30th  (Wed) 13:30-

@Wildlife Research Center B1 floor

(Please see the map below.)

◼︎Speaker: Sakiho Ochi◼︎ (slides, presentation: Japanese)

◼︎Speaker: Tamao Maeda◼︎ (slides: English, presentation: Japanese)

Introduction of my previous feral cat study and plan for the master study

Last year, I researched on the diet of feral cats (Felis silvestris catus) in Tokunoshima Island, Japan.  Our study revealed that even cats captured in forests depended on the artificial resources. This result strongly suggests the “hyperpredation” by human feeding, which means that feeding by humans sustains feral cat populations and indirectly facilitating the decrease of endemic mammals.  

For my master study, I will start the research on the domestic horse (Equus caballus).  I have two plans, one is the genomic study on feral horses in Serra D’Arga Portugal, and the other is the cognitive/psychological study on captive horses.  I would introduce both in the next seminar.

Upcoming seminar

6/6(Wed) Dr. Ayumi Tezuka (Ryukoku Univ.)

6/13(Wed) Suzuki, Taki, Nakano 

6/20(Wed) Sanjeeta 


2018年5月23日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室


Wildlife Research Center Seminar 

Date: May. 23rd  (Wed) 13:30-

@Wildlife Research Center B1 floor

(Please see the map below.)

◼︎Speaker:Pandora Pinto◼︎ (slides and presentation in English)

Temporal patterns of bird roadkills in southern Portugal

Despite collision with vehicles being a big source of mortality for many bird species worldwide, very little attention has been given to its temporal trends. We assessed how the roadkill mortality patterns of common bird species changed over a period of nine years in southern Portugal and which weather factors influence the observed patterns. We corrected mortality estimations and fitted GAMM models to all species. Roadkills’ numbers increased substantially after correcting for survey frequency, and carcass persistence and detectability. Our results show that, overall, mortality decreased over time and was generally higher during spring and summer months. The lack of a clear relationship between the weather variables and the observed mortality patterns suggests the existence of additional factors important to explain the observed trends. This study provides concrete data that mortality due to car collisions may change overtime, which can have demographical consequences and risk the effectiveness of mitigation measures, highlighting the need to further address large temporal scales in research. For my PhD at WRC, I wish to research feral horses’ (Equus caballus) social behavior and structure. The study of feral horses gives valuable insight into the behavior of pre-historic horses and allows for a better understanding of the instinctive and learned behaviors that drive domestic horses, as well as the cognitive capabilities of this species. Horse groups with single and multiple stallions occur simultaneously throughout the world in different feral horses’ populations. However, little is known on why bands with multiple stallions and bands with only one stallion exist.Thus, I intend to explore the origin and differences between multi and single-stallion bands in horse societies, to better understand how multi-stallion groups are formed, how they operate and assess group stability. 


5/30(水) 越智・前田 

6/6(水) 未定

6/13(水) 瀧・中野・鈴木 


Upcoming seminar

5/30(Wed) Ochi, Maeda 

6/6(Wed) Undecided

6/13(Wed) Taki, Nakano, Suzuki 


2018年5月16日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室





5/23(水) パンドラ 

5/30(水) 越智・前田 

6/6(水) 休み 


Wildlife Research Center Seminar

Date: May. 16th  (Wed) 13:30-

@Wildlife Research Center B1 floor

(Please see the map below.)

In the next WRC seminar, some guests from abroad will introduce themselves. 


Upcoming seminar

5/23(Wed) Pandora

5/30(Wed) Ochi, Maeda

6/6(Wed) No seminar 


2018年5月9日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室


◼︎発表者:佐藤悠◼︎ (スライド:日本語、口頭説明:日本語、英語のハンドアウト有)




5/16(水) 海外からの招聘者の紹介 

5/23(水) パンドラ

5/30(水) 越智・前田 


Wildlife Research Center Seminar

Date: May. 9th  (Wed) 13:30-

@Wildlife Research Center B1 floor

(Please see the map below.)

◼︎Speaker: Yu Sato◼︎ (Slides and talk in Japanese, English handout)

Estimation of sustainability of Japanese golden eagles based on genetic diversity

 The genetic diversity of Japanese golden eagle was compared between wild and captive, and analyzed whether there are differences in diversity and genetic structure. The sustainability of captive population was also simulated by PVA, and the sustainability of the wild population was analyzed from the estimation of the past effective population size by PSMC.


Upcoming seminar

5/16(Wed) Introduction of guests from foreign countries 

5/23(Wed) Pandora 

5/30(Wed) Ochi, Maeda