
2016年度 セミナー実施内容

2017年03月29日 遠藤良典 


2017年3月29日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室





■Yoshinori Endo■  

Evolution of Cetacean Lipid Metabolism along The Aquatic Adaptation [and Implications for The Underlying Molecular Functions]

Many of the unique characteristics of cetaceans which enabled them to re-invade aquatic environment are correlated with lipids. Here we report the evolution of cetacean lipid metabolism based on genetic analysis. We detected positively selected genes in cetacea and bovidae and identified the metabolic pathways in which those genes are involved. Our findings suggest that cetaceans have experienced positive selections in “body fat storage (biosynthesis and degradation of triacylglycerol)” and “yielding energy from fat (beta-oxidation)” processes. On the other hand, poropanoate metabolism, an important process for ruminating mammals, might have undergone positive selection in bovidae. Although the analyses have not done yet, we plan to find implications for how these positively selected genes have influenced the lipid metabolism of cetaceans in aquatic adaptation.

In addition, I would like to have a brief progress report on the derivation of iPS cells from non-model animals.


2017年3月22日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室




■Miho Saito■

Wild Masai giraffe social structure focusing on nursing and its proximity state

Society is a form of aggregation of herds and herd is a from of aggregation of individuals.
It can be said that the social relationship of each individuals play an important role for forming society.
Till now, most of the studies about social relationship of giraffe were focusing on female-female relationship only.
However, it might be not enough to understand whole parts of giraffe society.
Therefore, I conducted research on 1. how relationship between female and male offspring changes over time and 2. female-female relationship in nursery group.
Addtionally, to understand the giraffe relationship within a herd in more detail, I collected data of proximity for each age-sex classes.
I would like to present these results and discuss about giraffe society.


2017年3月15日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室


これまでに、アジアゾウの高度な知性の存在が飼育下で行われた実験により証明されてきたが、そのような知性が野生のどのような場面で活用されているかは明らかにされていなかった。イギリスに“Elephants never forget”ということわざがあるように、ゾウは並外れた知識量を持つと言われている。また、アジアゾウの寿命は約60年と他の哺乳類よりも長い。知識・経験量は年齢とともに増えるために老齢個体の知識量は、他の集団メンバーよりも大きいと推察される。発表者は、集団の移動で見られる各個体の行動を調べ、最年長個体の行動は他のグループメンバーの行動に影響を与えているかを調べる。





◼︎辻本温史◼︎ (PWS支援室)



■Kasumi Sakakibara■

Various foraging styles caused by curious of young female dolphins?

 I observed the “Inquiring behaviors” toward the underwater swimmers for 120 individuals of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins in Mikura island, Japan. The results show that sub-adult female behave most frequently among the population. In another population of the same species around the other sea area, some females seek the prey solitary and is reported the foraging specializations in the each individual. In this seminar, I will talk about my hypothesis that the competition for the preys between the intraspecies is avoided due to that the curious sub-adult females occur the various foraging strategy.

■Atsushi Tsujimoto■ (PWS office)

Career Development in International Cooperation/Development

3月1日(水)はWRCセミナーを開催いたしません。 次回は3月8日(水)13:30からの予定です。


2017年2月22日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室



キリン (Giraffa camelopardalis) のオスはメスよりも体サイズが大きいが、採食時間はオスの方が短い。採食姿勢にも性差がみられ、オスのキリンは頻繁に首を垂直に伸ばして採食するのに対し、メスは首を下げて胴の高さで採食することが多い。キリンは首を水平にした状態でも頭が約1.8mの高さにあり、ゾウを除いた他のブラウザーよりも高い位置の葉を食べることができる。それにもかかわらずメスがよく首を下げて胴の高さで食べるというのは、採食行動として非効率的ではないだろうか。


Sex differences on feeding behavior of giraffe in Katavi National Park, Tanzania

Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) are sexually dimorphic. Adult males are larger than females, but they spend less time feeding than females. Feeding postures are also different between the sexes. Males often eat with their neck stretched vertically upwards, while females prefer feeding at body height with their neck horizontal. Giraffe are so tall that few browsers, other than elephants, compete with males, while females compete with a few more species. This study examined the feeding behavior of males and females. Twenty-five adult giraffe were identified in Katavi National Park, Tanzania. I analyzed tree type (whether a large shade tree or not), height, feeding posture and shade usage. I found that female giraffe often start to eat with their neck below their back, even when they fed on taller trees than themselves, and continued feeding at upper heights. They might try to feed whole parts of trees. Males preferred the trees with a large shade area and rested under the tree. They might save their energy by resting in the shade. In conclusion, my data revealed that the sex differ in feeding postures and in resting that might relate to their body size.


2017年2月8日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室

■Dr. Pierre Comizzoli■ (Asura Seminar)

Cutting-edge approaches for understanding and sustaining biodiversity

Understanding and sustaining biological and genetic diversity is a social, cultural, scientific and economic imperative that is key to adaptation and survival in a human-dominated environment. Historically, genetically diverse species have been preserved by protecting large-size natural habitats, a strategy that, while ideal, is insufficient given our growing global human population that now exceeds 7 billion people. To fill the gaps, the Smithsonian Institution has launched innovative programs to enhance our knowledge of biodiversity through investigations of the evolution, ecology, and conservation of species and habitats around the world. Understanding and sustaining biodiversity is enhanced through major efforts including the growth of scientific collections (not only including the physical specimens/sample but also the large amount of data associated to it), the implementation of collaborative study sites around the world, and the development of multi-disciplinary projects taking into account the natural and cultural values of species and ecosystems. For example, there are enormous opportunities that can be addressed by establishing and using wildlife biobanks – organized collections of living biomaterials. Other elements also are credible additions to biobanks, including plants, soils, water, ice and environmental DNA, all of which will provide even more information on the health of ecosystems. Importantly, collections are supporting study sites including Global Earth Observatories and Long-Term Environmental Research Network systems that are generating enormous amounts of samples and data to better understand the impact of climate change, pollution and disease. Lastly, the integration of new technologies such as the high-throughput DNA sequencing (genomics) into the above efforts considerably accelerates our knowledge and permit to implement more sustainable actions that will contribute to saving species and their natural habitats.

■Dr. Julie Duboscq■

Connecting the dots: linking host social behaviour to parasite
transmission and infection risk

Within animal groups, social transmission between individuals is dependent on their social interactions and the social structure of the group. More central individuals in their social network are at higher risk of acquiring and transmitting parasites and have more influence on social transmission processes than less central individuals. Investigating the links between host behaviour and parasite transmission and infection risk is paramount in improving epidemiological models and in increasing our understanding of social evolution. My postdoctoral research in Japan focuses on the one hand, on the prevalence and intensity of parasitism in relation to the degree of sociality in Japanese and Rhesus macaques, and on the other hand, on the characteristics of social transmission of parasites. We established that in the Japanese macaques of Koshima, more central females in their contact and grooming networks have lower lice load but higher gastrointestinal parasite load, with seasonal differences in the strength of the relationship between sociality and parasitism. My current JSPS project brings this research a step forward by identifying pathways of parasite transmission in Rhesus and Japanese macaques at KUPRI. I study simian foamy virus and E. coli, two parasites expressing enough genetic diversity to be able to build parasite genotype profiles for each individual host. I can then match these individual profiles to individual and social characteristics to determine more precisely which individual transmits which viral or bacterial strains to which other individual. Given the transmission routes of SFV (saliva, biting) and E. coli (fecal-oral, contact-proximity), I expect that individuals of the same family (kin) unit will share similar strains of E. coli from a very young age because they are and stay most often together, but they might harbour different strains of SFV later in life when they engage in aggression with other, probably non-kin, members of the group. This work resonates with similar research conducted at KUPRI and elsewhere. This research can also inform animal population management and welfare as well as give insight into evolutionary pressures on sociality and parasitism in animal groups.


2017年2月8日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室


■阿部秀明(京都大学 野生動物研究センター 特定助教)■



2017年2月1日(水) 13:00~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室



趣旨説明 村山美穂

東山動植物園:佐藤康弘/谷 佳明


2017年1月26日(木) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室

◼︎Nachiketha Sharma Ramamurthy◼︎
Title: Vocal communication in Asian elephants
The Asian elephants are believed to be diversified from the African elephants for about 5-6 million years ago, (Sukumar 2003). Many studies have shown that, their behaviour and social organisation may greatly vary from each other according to the habitat which they live in, depending on their physiology and by other intrinsic as well as extrinsic factors. For example, elephants which live human-dominated landscapes, show great deal of adaptability and intelligence to coordinate with each other, during crop raiding in order to go unnoticed to humans. But, how do they do it, is still a mystery. To understand this behaviour, one approach is to examine how they communicate with each other. The communication between elephants may be through chemical or vocal signals or sometimes both. Here, I would like to concentrate on least explored part of Asian elephant behaviour, which is ‘vocal communication’. In this talk, I will be discussing about basic call types and role of short distance communication/vocal signalling in Asian elephants.


2017年1月24日(火) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室






2017年1月18日(水) 12:15~13:15 Asura Seminar


■Dr. Dora BIRO■ Associate Professor of Animal Behaviour, University of Oxford, UK

From Collective to Cumulative Intelligence in Animal Groups

The interaction rules that govern coordination and collective decision-making in animal groups represent a burgeoning area of research. Advances in tracking technology are enabling us to elucidate in unprecedented detail the mechanisms involved, the role of inter-individual differences in shaping group behavior, as well as the consequences that such differences have for both groups and individuals. Focusing on my research group's work with birds, in this talk I will discuss how leaders and followers can spontaneously emerge in groups, how groups benefit when multiple individuals contribute to decisions (i.e. collective intelligence, and how learning while acting collectively with others can allow knowledge to accumulate in groups (i.e. cumulative intelligence in ways that satisfy criteria for cumulative culture.

13:30~ WRC通常セミナー 

◼︎一山琴世(Kotoyo ICHIYAMA)◼︎
Vocal repertoire of mountain vizcacha

◼︎田島夏子(Natsuko TAJIMA)◼︎
Association patterns of wild Indo-pacific bottlenose dolphins

◼︎沓間領(Ryo KUTSUMA)◼︎
Foraging behavior of hydrophiin sea snakes


2017年1月11日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室


◼︎一山琴世(Kotoyo ICHIYAMA)◼︎
Vocal repertoire of mountain vizcacha

◼︎田島夏子(Natsuko TAJIMA)◼︎
Association patterns of wild Indo-pacific bottlenose dolphins

◼︎沓間領(Ryo KUTSUMA)◼︎
Chemosensory abilities of hydrophiin sea snakes for discriminating fish species.


2016年12月14日(水)15:00~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室







■Sota Inoue■

Analysis of spatial position on feral horses

What is factors to decide spatial position of individuals living in groups? Rolls of spatial position will link to living of individuals, because individuals locating periphery in the group need to watch out predators. One of the factors will be social relationship, age and personality. There is no research about spatial position regarding horses.

I investigated feral horses at June in Portugal. I will talk about results of analysis of relationship between social relationship and spatial position.


2016年12月7日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室



多くのヘビ類は化学感覚(特に鋤鼻嗅覚)が発達しており、舌の出し入れ(=タンフリック)をおこなうことにより気中の化学物質を取り入れ、餌生物の追跡や交尾個体の認識をしている。一般に、海洋環境に適応した羊膜類は化学感覚が退化していることが知られており、このことはウミヘビ類でも少なくとも遺伝学的側面からは例外ではない。だがその一方で、ウミヘビにおいても陸生のヘビと同様に餌生物に対するタンフリックが観察されることから、餌選択において化学感覚が重要な役割を持つと考えられる。しかし、実際にウミヘビ類が餌種の識別に化学感覚を用いているという報告はまだない。本研究では同所的に生息していながらも、餌としている魚類の種類が大きく違う2種の海棲ウミヘビ、クロガシラウミヘビ(Hydrophis melanocephalus)とクロボシウミヘビ(Hydrophis ornatus)を対象に、ウミヘビの捕食行動に化学感覚が関与しているか否かを判断するための実験を飼育下でおこなった。今回の発表では行った実験の結果とその考察について発表する。






2016年11月30日(水) 13:30~15:30 @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室










2016年11月16日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室






2016年11月9日(水) 15:00~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室



 ハンドウイルカ属では、オス同士は特定の2~3個体で同盟関係を構成し、メス同士では広く浅いネットワークを構成するなど、個体の性や年齢によって異なる同伴関係を築いていることが報告されている。しかし、これらの同伴関係の分析は、群れ内の個体から10m 以内の全ての個体や、一回の入水で観察された全ての個体を同じ群れ個体とするなど、同伴個体についての定義が広い。本研究対象である東京都御蔵島周辺に生息する野生ミナミハンドウイルカ(Tursiops aduncus)個体群では、ほぼ全個体が水中観察によって個体識別されており、一回の水中観察で観察される群れの中でさらに複数の個体が他の個体とよりも近接して遊泳するサブグループが多く観察される。よって、本研究ではサブグループの構成個体の組み合わせを分析する事によってより詳細な各個体間の同伴関係を明らかにすることを目的とする。今回は、その分析方法と結果の一部を発表する。


2016年11月2日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室


野生下ネズミヤマアラシ(Trichys fasciculata)の巣穴利用

 ネズミヤマアラシ(Trichys fasciculata)は巣穴を共有するペアと、その子から成るグループを形成する。親と子の行動圏はほぼ重なっており、日中は行動圏内にある巣穴で家族と過ごす。家族全員の利用が確認できた巣穴は全部で6カ所あり、興味深いことに、日中過ごす巣穴サイトを不定期に変更することがわかっている。このような変更があるにもかかわらず、家族の巣穴同居率はペア間(97%)、子‐ペア間(80%)と高い。一方、夜間はラジオテレメトリーによる直接観察により、家族はほとんど単独で行動することがわかっている。


2016年10月26日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室

■児島庸介(動物行動学研究室 研究員)■


Ant-snake symbiosis in Madagascar



2016年10月19日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室



1. フィールドミュージアムプロジェクトの概要(10分)
Overview of filed museum project
幸島司郎 Kohshima Shiro

2. アマゾン淡水魚の行動・生態研究(30分)
Behavioral and ecological studies of Amazon fishes
池田 威秀 Takehide Ikeda

3. ブラジルのアマゾンマナティーの野生復帰事業における行動把握について(30分)
Behavioral study of Amazonian manatees during a relocation program in Brazil.
菊池 夢美 Mumi Kikuchi

4. 音響的手法を用いたアマゾン川の水生生物モニタリング(30分)
Acoustic monitoring of underwater organisms in Amazon basin
山本 友紀子 Yukiko Yamamoto

5. 高山帯における植生変化の定量化とメカニズムの解明(15分)
The quantification and the elucidation of the mechanism of the vegetation change in the alpine zone
The quantification of population dynamics in Amazonian tropical forest along environmental factor
雨谷 教弘 Amagai Yukihiro

6. Living the sloth life: Feeding ecology and Energy saving strategy of wild sloths (30分)
ナマケモノの怠け方: 野生のナマケモノにおける採餌戦略および省エネルギー戦略
村松大輔 Daisuke Muramatsu



2016年10月5日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室



 ミナミハンドウイルカが生息する御蔵島では、これまでに社会行動や社会構造など、日中の行動や生態に関する研究が多く行われてきた。一方、夜間の生態については、目視調査が難しいことなどからこれまでにほぼ研究が行われておらず、夜間も島の周辺に生息している可能性が高いことが示唆されているのみである(Morisaka et al., 2015)。そこで本研究では、昼夜24時間連続で島周りの水中音声を記録することによって本種の音声を取得し、昼間と夜間の比較などを行うことによって、本種の夜間生態の一端を明らかにすることを目標とする。本発表では、現在の解析の進捗と今後の解析の方針について発表する。

■Kimika TSUJI■

Distribution of Indo-pacific bottlenose dolphins around Mikura Island in the night-time

Study about social behavior and social relationship of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins around Mikura Island in the daytime have studied a lot. But there is few study about night-time activity, because it is difficult to observe them in the dark. In this study, I will reveal some of it by recording the sound of underwater for 24 consecutive hours. In this seminar, I will present the progress and direction of analysis.



2016年7月27日(水) 13:00~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室



 個体識別を行うキリンの調査方法は、1960年代にFosterによって確立された。しかし、キリンの行動に関する研究は、労力と費用がかかるため、ほとんどなされてこなかった。キリンの昼間の行動の時間配分についてはDagg & Foster (1976) によって明らかにされたが、Leuthold and Leuthold (1978) によると、採食の時間配分には性差が存在し、特にメスは気温の影響を受ける可能性があると指摘されている。また、サヴァンナのキリンに比べて森に棲むキリンの調査は特に少なく、彼らの社会関係はよくわかっていない。
 そこで発表者は、ミオンボ林に生息するマサイキリン (Giraffe camelopardalis tippelskirchi) を対象に、個体識別を行い、個体追跡法を用いた行動観察を行う。キリンの行動と個体間距離を記録することで、性・年齢階級ごとの昼間の行動の時間配分を表し、また、各行動時にキリンがどのような集団を形成しているのか明らかにする。離合集散型といわれるキリンの社会であるが、森に棲むキリンの社会がどのようなものか検討したい。




チンパンジーの低ランクオスの社会戦略in Mahale-交尾に着目して-

 一般的に動物の交尾機構は単婚、複婚そして乱婚に分けられる。チンパンジーの交尾機構は乱婚である。乱婚は精子競争を促し父性を隠す。したがって、オスによる子殺しを防ぐ可能性があり、メスにとっては利益があるかもしれない。また子供の遺伝的多様性という面においても有益であると考えられる。オスにとって乱婚は様々なメスと交尾できるという利点があるが、自分の子供を認知することができないという欠点がある。したがってオスは自分の子供を残す可能性を高めるためにより多く交尾を行おうとする。そのためメスをめぐる競争が存在する。しかし、競争が存在しない交尾も確認されている。一般的に交尾戦略はopportunistic 、possessiveness そしてconsortship の三つに分けられ、opportunistic は競争的ではない交尾戦略である。
 これらの交尾戦略はオス間の支配的な関係が影響していると考えられている。しかし地域によってはその影響が見られないため、簡単に断定することはできない。これらの影響を考えるうえで重要なことはメスの性周期についての知識である。チンパンジーのメスにはcycling periodとnon-cycling (lactating) periodがあり、cycling periodは発情期と非発情期に分けられる。発情期では排卵が近くなるにつれ性皮の腫脹が大きくなる。ここで性皮の腫脹を目安にして発情期を三つの段階に分けた場合、排卵期が近い第三期に高ランクのオスがより多く交尾しているという報告がある。つまり、第三期は受精につながる交尾を行える可能性が高いため、競争が激しいということが言える。しかし、低ランクオスも少数だが第三期での交尾は確認されている。だが、低ランクオスが発情期第三期にどのようにして交尾を成功させているか詳細な報告がない。そこで、私はどのようにして低ランクオスは発情期第三期に交尾を成功させているかを明らかにしたいと考えている。

■Anna Kawakita■
Research plan: Activities and social relationships of Masai giraffe in Katavi National Park

Individual identification of giraffe was pioneered by Foster in the 1960s, however, there are few studies of behavior on giraffe because of its labor-intensiveness and expensiveness. Dagg recorded activities of giraffe and visualized the activity budget during the day (Dagg & Foster, 1976). Then Leuthold and Leuthold (1978) pointed out the difference of feeding time between males and females, especially female giraffes were affected by temperature. Although giraffe is said to live in fission/ fusion dynamic societies (Bercovitch & berry 2009), the details of their life in woodland area are unknown.
In my master course study I would like to observe Masai giraffe (Giraffe camelopardalis tippelskirchi) in Miombo woodland based on the individual identification at Katavi National Park, western Tanzania, and clarify the daytime activity budget in each sex and age. Recording proximity will help to understand the relationships between behavior and society of giraffe. In this seminar I will show you study reviews about giraffe and the Katavi National Park, mentioning about my research plan.

■Sota Inoue■

Investigation into social structure of feral horses by analyzing spatial position in herd

In animal forming a herd, there relative positions at that time of a movement and resting play an important role, for example, avoiding predators, the risk reduction and the acquiring feed. Therefore, the spatial position may depend on not only environmental factors but also social factors.
I would like to elucidate social structure of feral horses by analyzing relationship between environmental factors or social factors and the spatial positions of individuals. I have a plan to investigate Garano horses which make mainly harem groups in Portugal.
We need to make sure of open field and to calculate distance among individuals and direction of them. Usage of a drone will lead this research to the success.
I would like to talk about plan of master’s research while mixing topic of trip in June and the acquisition situation of data.

■Masahiro Yamagami■

The mating system of animals is generally classified into three categories: monogamy, polygamy, and promiscuity. Among these, chimpanzees’ mating system is categorized as promiscuous in which multiple males mate with multiple females. Promiscuity usually causes sperm competition and obscures paternity. Therefore promiscuity may be advantageous for females because obscuring paternity may prevent infanticide. It can also be advantageous for females because they can potentially have children sired by different fathers. Thus their children can have more diverse genetic background than in a polygamy society. For males, promiscuity can be partially advantageous because they can at least mate with various females. However, it may be disadvantageous because males cannot be confident about the paternity of their children. Therefore, what they are expected to do is to increase the probability that they sire offspring. Thus, there are competitions among males over access to mates. In fact, early reports described that an alpha male chimpanzee most frequently mated with females and interfered other males’ mating. On the other hand, non-competitive mating is also observed. Typically, mating patterns of chimpanzees are divided into three types: (a) opportunistic mating, when estrus females can mate with all males; (b) possessiveness, when a male makes a short-term relationship with an estrous female and the partner male interferes other males who try to mate her; and (c) consortship, when a male and a cycling female leave other members of the group for a certain period of time, sometimes more than a month.
These mating patterns may be relative to male–male relationships, especially their dominance relationships. However, the effect of dominance among males over mating patters is not so simple. In one study at Gombe, Tanzania, male dominance rank did not affect access to receptive females, but a study at Mahale showed a contradicting result that male ranks affected the mating success. Although these studies are classical examples, such a difference may show that male chimpanzees employ diverse mating strategies depending on different social situations.
In order to evaluate the effectiveness of mating strategies of males, it is important to consider the sexual physiology of females. A female chimpanzee experiences cycling periods and non-cycling (lactating) periods. A cycling period is a repetition of estrous and non-estrous periods. Only in an estrous period, the cycling female’s genital swells and the female actively mates with males. Some researchers further divided an estrous period into three stages, by setting the last day of maximal tumescence as Day 0 (Hasegawa and Hiraiwa-Hasegawa 1990): stage I (up to Day -8), stage II (Day -7 to Day -4) and stage III (Day -3 to Day -0). It is assumed that mating in stage III is most important for reproduction because ovulation occurs only in this stage, thus males can sire offspring only by mating in stage III. It is reported that, high-ranking males tend to mate with stage III females more frequently than do low-ranking ones, but it does not mean that low-ranking males never succeed to mate with stage III females. Because it is likely that competition over stage III female is high, males, especially low-ranking ones are expected to employ various mating strategies in order to achieve reproductive success. Therefore, I will study social behaviors of low-ranking male chimpanzees in order to reveal their mating strategies.



2016年7月20日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室




Relationships between the swimming positions and the inquiring behaviors to underwater swimmers in the wild dolphins

One effect of making the group is suggested the avoidance by the predators and the reduction for the risks and the costs. In the wild dolphins, they basically gather and make the group and the formation when they swim for the migration and the rest. The position of the swimming formation suggests the differences in sex and age, so we estimate that it reflects the structure of the defense and the leading for the group swimming. In my research, I observe the behavior of the wild dolphins directly in the sea on the watching boat for the tourism and analyze the relationship between the positions of swimming formation and the frequency of the vigilance behaviors to underwater swimmers. Therefore I will prove the structure to avoid the emergencies and to reduce the costs for that by the making group in the dolphins.

I investigated in Jun and July in 2014, Jun to September in 2015, April in 2016 for about 130 individuals of the wild dolphins around Mikura island. First, I classified the state of the each individuals encountered for 5 types; avoidance, neutral, approach 1, approach 2, approach3 to underwater swimmers. Second, I calculated the frequency of the inquiring behaviors, echolocation and the looking into underwater swimmers as the vigilant. As the results, the non-multiparous female is the most frequency of the approach state and the inquiring behaviors. Additionally, I analyzed the approaching order to underwater swimmers by the small unit in the groups. I will talk about the methods and the conclusions in this seminar.

■Christopher Adenyo■ Livestock and Poultry Research Centre, University of Ghana

Ghana Grasscutter Project: contribution to grasscutter domestication

Grasscutter domestication started in Ghana in the 1970s by the Department of Game and Wildlife under the government’s Ministry of Forestry to provide an alternative source of protein in order to reduce the impact of hunting. Since then, various organizations including international funding agencies, NGOs, National Institutes and Universities have been very instrumental in supporting the domestication process. However, most of the efforts of these organizations in promoting grasscutter domestication have been concentrated in the Southern part of Ghana. Two years ago, Kyoto University in collaboration with University of Ghana, started a project (Ghana Grasscutter Project) to promote the rearing of grasscutters in the Upper West Region which is one of the poorest regions of the country. We distributed grasscutters to households and monitored their livelihoods. As expected of any domestication process, there are setbacks with regards to adaptation. Therefore, a lot needs to be done to fully understand the requirements of the grasscutters in captivity. In terms of genetic improvement, as a first step, we have developed markers to survey genetic diversity which is necessary for future genetic improvement programs. We have also analyzed the diet of the wild grasscutter to determine its composition to enable us formulate appropriate feeding regimes. In this presentation, I will talk about the contribution of the Ghana Grasscutter Project to the domestication process and outline some areas that further research support is needed.



2016年7月13日(水) 15:00~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室



 生命活動を営む上で、動物が餌資源を探すことは最も重要なことの一つであろう。生存競争において、動物は効率良くこの餌資源を見つけ出すことが求められる。では、実際に動物はどのような探索経路をとっているのか。このテーマに関しては昔から、動物はrandom walkというモデルをとるというのが定説であった。random walkとは、生物の進路方向は常にランダムで選ばれ、短い距離で方角を変えることを繰り返すという大雑把なモデルである。しかし、1996年にワタリアホウドリがLevy walkという少し複雑なモデルを採用していることが発表された。Levy walkとは、random walkと同じく生物の進路方向はランダムで選ばれるが、稀に同じ方向で非常に長い距離を進むというモデルである。このモデルの長所は、非常に長い距離を進むことから、動物が今自分がいるパッチから移動して新たなパッチに移動することができるため、自分が資源を求めて探し回ったパッチ内を誤って再度探す必要がないということである。 このLevy walkはその後、散在する資源を探す上でとても効果的であるとされ様々な種の生物でもこのモデルを採用していることが発見されるようになった。また一部のサメなどの魚類では周りの餌環境に応じて、餌が豊富な所ではrandom walk、そうでないところではLevy walk (以下Levy swimとする) を切り替えているという報告がされた。これよりLevy swimが餌資源を探す上で生物にとって重要であることが裏付けされた。しかし水圏生物に関するこれらの知見は乏しく、特に海棲哺乳類の代表格である鯨類に関する報告は一例もない。そこで申請者は、大型の海棲哺乳類である鯨類、特に深く潜り広い範囲を移動するマッコウクジラに焦点をあて、このクジラの採餌戦略の解明を試みることにした。今回はこの解析の途中経過を発表する予定である。

Foraging strategy of whales

It is most important for animals to look for bait resources. In the struggle for life, animals need to find out bait resources efficiently. Then what course do animals search into? There are many studies about terrestrial mammals but few studies about marine mammals. To understand their foraging strategy, I try to analyze logger data from sperm whales. In the seminar, I introduce my study and field work in Goto islands.



2016年7月6日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室

■Dr. Christian Vincenot■ (graduate School of Informatics & Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University)

"Current results and ongoing works on the conservation of the Ryukyu flying fox (Pteropus dasymallus)"

In this talk, I will present my work on social and ecological aspects involved in the conservation of the Ryukyu flying fox (Pteropus dasymallus) in Japan. Although it has been listed and designated as Natural Monument, this solitary fruit bat, once common in Taiwan, where it is now close to extinction because of overhunting, has not been the focus of much conservation effort in the Ryukyus (except on the Daito islands, a very small portion of its distribution range). It is also generally absent from tourist brochures, national park information boards, and other outreach media. This may come as a surprise as the country hosts only two extant allopatric megabats.
After a presentation of the ecology and ecological importance of P. dasymallus in the Ryukyu archipelago, I will present results of two social studies that were conducted to assess public perception of this species. The first one aimed to assess the level of awareness of this species by local inhabitants of Ishigaki island, as well as their interest for its conservation. The second study took the form of targeted interviews with agricultural workers to better understand the attitude of farmers towards this species. Coupled with field observations, this led to uncovering ongoing conflicts that may represent a problem for both biological conservation and agriculture.
I will conclude this talk with some brief outlooks on my current research projects as regards this species and flying foxes in general.




"Can we see dolphin’s night behavior from shark-bite scars?"

To understand the dolphin’s behavior, we have conducted direct observations, but the direct observation of dolphins is difficult and data we get is limited. The bite scars by cookie-cutter sharks last for a longtime and we have an advantage of getting data easily in the form of non- invasive observations. I used the CCS-bite scars on dolphins and tried to see whether the CCS-bite scars are useful or can be used for observing the dolphin’s behavior.
In my graduation thesis, the fresh wound acquirements by neonate and adult female with neonates were less when compared to other individuals but results are not statistically significant. This implies that, the difference in fresh bites frequencies is caused by the difference in dolphin’s behavior, one of the reasons could be neonate can’t swim deeply. So, this can be a possible indicator in
understanding dolphin’s behavior. With this finding, I would like to investigate the trend of CCS wounds and scars to understand dolphin behavior in the future.



2016年6月29日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室


Infant Socialization in Wild Chimpanzees: Attachment to Mother and Interactions with Non-Mothers

Infant chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) start to interact with non-mothers when they reach around 5 months of age, as they become more physically capable and their mothers become more permissive. As part of my Ph.D project on social interactions between infants and non-mothers, I would like to discuss here the ontogenic aspect, i.e., the social development of infant chimpanzees.

In mammals, infants show attachment to their mother (primary caregiver), meaning they form a special emotional relationship with them. Attachment behaviors are considered to be those behavior patterns which predictably result in proximity to a specific attachment figure (Gubernick, 1981). One feature of attachment is that an infant will use its mother as a secure base from which to explore the world. They would leave their mother and interact with other individuals, eventually returning to their mother always. As the process of socialization advances, one would expect an infant’s patterns and amount of interactions with non-mothers (as well as with its mother) to change and the amount of attachment behaviors to its mother to decrease.

This presentation will focus on infants’ distance from their mother, patterns of proximity-keeping and leaving from their mother, and a few key aspects of infant¬¬¬ – non-mother interactions. Results are preliminary; I would like to discuss the methods themselves and show a few descriptive results as examples.



2016年6月22日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室





Research plan: Savanna use and seed dispersal of forest elephant in Gabon

I plan to stay in Gabon for 1 month in this September and conduct preliminary research about forest elephant in Moukalaba-Doudou National Park.
Forest elephants inhabit the tropical rain forest in central Africa but they also use savanna area.
Savanna is open and it is easily to find other individuals, so that they may use there for breeding or socially interacting.
In this study, I try to clarify the purpose of savanna use and the impact on savanna.
To clarify the use of open area might be a help to solve poaching and human-elephant conflict.


今回は、Asura International Seminarとして開催いたします。

2016年6月15日(水) 13:30~15:00 @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室

■Dr. Rob Ogden■
From field to marketplace: the use of wildlife DNA forensics to track and prosecute the illegal wildlife trade

The illegal wildlife trade is having a devastating effect on the status of many endangered species, including some of our most charismatic large animals and plants. Tackling the trade has become an area of global concern and concerted international efforts are underway to address the issue, involving support for alternative livelihoods in source countries, law enforcement and demand reduction for wildlife products in end-user countries. Law enforcement is a complex issue, requiring investigations at many different scales, from local bushmeat poachers through to international organized criminals. As with any other crime, investigators are using forensic science to detect and prosecute offenders.

The use of molecular genetic analysis to identify human evidence has revolutionised forensic science and is now an established tool in law enforcement. The analysis and identification of wildlife DNA is used to address questions of species identity, captive breeding and geographic origin, as well as individualization across multiple species1,2. The resulting evidence is used to provide intelligence concerning trade routes as well as prosecute individuals involved in wildlife trafficking.

This presentation will introduce the field of wildlife DNA forensics, explain the key scientific questions involved, from phylogenetics to familial relatedness, and the approcahes being used to tackle them. It will explain how forensic science capacity is being developed for wildlife law enforcement in Africa and Southeast Asia, and how these new laboratories are contributing to wildlife law enforcement and its role in biodiversity conservation.

1. Ogden R, Dawnay N, McEwing R. (2010) Wildlife DNA forensics-bridging the
gap between conservation genetics and law enforcement. Endangered
Species Research, 9:179-95.
2. Ogden R & Linacre A (2015) Wildlife forensic science: A review of genetic
geographic origin assignment. Forensic Science International: Genetics,



2016年6月8日(水) 15:00~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室

■Liu jie■

Ecological and Behavioral characteristic study on
François’s langur (Trachypithecus francoisi)
and Yunnan Snub Nosed Monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti)

François’s langur (Trachypithecus francoisi) is an endangered species which is only found in southeastern China and northeastern Vietnam. This study focused on the behavioral differences between a provisioned group (Ts) of 7 individuals and a naturally-foraging group (Tn) of 13 individuals of François’s langur in Ma Yang River National Nature Reserve. Scan sampling was used to record behavior every 10 minutes for 12h daily (0700h-1900h) over 9 months, for a total observation time of 368 hours 44 minutes for Tn and 516 hours 17 minutes for Ts. In order to compare two groups that differ in both provisioning and in size, all the data and metrics were calculated into average of individual statistics. Behavioral characteristic was different between Tn and Ts. Human intervention could change the behavior patterns of wild François’s langur temporarily or even permanently.
The Yunnan snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti) is distributed in north-western Yunnan and south-eastern Tibet (26°14'–29°20'N, 98°37'–99°41'E). It is an endangered species of primate and endemic to China. The habitat of Yunnan snub nosed monkey is confined to an elevation of 3000–4400 m above sea level and in areas dominated by alpine temperate forests. Seventeen groups of this species are so far discovered in China. My future study will focus on the wild group which was marked as No.12 group distributing in Laojun mountain, Lijiang, Yunnan, China. Seasonal home range utilization, group constitution, population dynamic monitoring, ecological and behavioural characteristic are the main focuses of my research. Apart from the behavioral observation study, I would like to blend in genomes technology. Fecal samples through behavioural observation will be collected and sequence analysis will be carried out to look into population genetic structure and phylogeography, to identify all male individuals.


2016年6月1日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室



ハンドウイルカ属は、オスは特定の2~3個体で同盟関係を構成し、メスは広く浅いネットワークを構成することが報告されている。しかし、これらの個体間関係の分析は、船上観察により特定の個体から10m以内で観察される個体全てを同一グループと定義する”10m chain rule(Conner et al, 1992b)”などを用いる先行研究が多く、同伴個体の定義が広い。

■Nachiketh Sharma■

Title: Vocal communication in Asian elephants-What we know and what
needs to be explored

The Asian elephants are believed to be diversified from the
African elephants for about 5-6 million years ago (Sukumar 2003). Many
studies have shown that, their behavior and social organisation may
greatly vary from each other according to the habitat which they live
in, depending on their physiology and by other intrinsic as well as
extrinsic factors. For example, elephants which live in
human-dominated landscapes, show a great deal of adaptability and
intelligence to coordinate with each other, during crop raiding in
order to go unnoticed to humans. But, how they do it, is still a
mystery. To understand this behavior, one approach is to examine how
do they communicate with each other. The communication between
elephants may be through chemical or vocal signals or sometimes both.
Here, I would like to concentrate on the least explored part of
elephant behavior, which is ‘vocal communication’. Surprisingly, in
contrast to Asian elephants, vocal communication of African elephants
has been studied in a great detail. With this background, in this
talk, I would like to discuss some of the basic ideas of my research
plan. Your suggestions and critical comments will be greatly



2016年5月25日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室




草食獣の母親が子育て場所を選択するうえで、1. 幼獣に対する被食圧が低くなる、2. 授乳のための十分な食物が得られる、という2要素間のトレードオフが重要だとされる。

Research plan: Masai giraffe’s nursing strategy in the environment where Miombo woodland and Acacia woodland exist

I plan to conduct field study on nursing strategy in Masai giraffe from June to Nov of 2016 in Katavi National Park, Tanzania.
Rresearch plan is the main topic of the seminar.

In many female ungulates, it has been revealed that they may select calving site relates to trade-offs between minimizing risk of predation of neonates and meeting nutritional needs for lactation.
Giraffe form a nusery group, however, the factors for selcting nursing place are unknown.
Miombo woodland and Acacia woodland are distributed in Katavi NP and Miombo is denser woodland than Acacia.
I predict that Miombo woodland is preferable as a nursing place because calves are able to hide easily in tall grasses.
On the other hand, Acacia woodland might be preferable as a browsing place because Acacia species are famous as giraffe's palatable food.
To examine above hypothesis, I will conduct research on the distribution of woodland, predator, and also perform focal animal sampling on mother-calf.



2016年5月18日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室

Self introduction by students from Malaysia, India, and Brasil


・Nurul Ain Mohd Sharif
“Genome of Crabs”
PhD student of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) 

・Evan Seng Huat Quah
PhD student of Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)

・Nur Juliani Binti Shafle
“Ecology of Bats”
PhD student of Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)

・Sanjeeta Sharma
“Stress physiology”
PhD student of Indian Institute of Science (IISc)

・Kunal Deepak Arekar
“Genomics of Langurs”
PhD student of Indian Institute of Science (IISc)

・Rodrigo de Souza Amaral
“Hormone monitoring of Aquatic mammals”
Assistant Professor of Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA)

・Gisele de Castro Maciel Valdevino
“Morphology of Aquatic mammals”
PhD student of Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA)



2016年4月27日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室

JSPS Research Fellow (RPD)

The Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute and My Challenges in Establishing New Assisted Reproduction Technology using Primitive Oocytes in Carnivores

米国スミソニアン保全生物学研究所 (SCBI) は世界の保全研究機関のリーダーとして、様々な研究を行っている。本セミナーではまず、発表者が約4年半留学していたSCBIとそこでの研究生活を紹介する。また、発表者はこれまで遺伝資源の保全を目的とした新たな生殖介助技術の開発を目指し、卵巣内の未熟な卵子に着目して研究を行ってきた。セミナー後半は、SCBI在籍時からの研究結果と今後の計画を発表する。

The Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute (SCBI) in the United States is one of the oldest and largest conservation research center (保全研究機関) in the world. SCBI has played a leading role in the fields of reproductive physiology (生殖生理学) and conservation biology (保全生物学) in wild animals since its founding in 1974. I worked this amazing place as a postdoc from 2011 to 2015 and got some chance to participate many breeding projects (繁殖プロジェクト) in endangered species besides my main research projects. In the first part of this seminar, I will introduce about SCBI and my experience/life there. Starting at SCBI, I have investigated in vitro folliculogenesis and oogenesis (体外での卵胞/卵子の発育) as a novel tool for preserving the genome of rare individuals. In short, my main focus is on rescuing the very earliest stage oocytes (卵子) that never participate in reproduction – getting them to grown in the laboratory to eventually produce viable eggs for in vitro fertilization (体外受精). At Wildlife Research Center (WRC) in Kyoto University, I have also investigated the freezing technology of ovarian tissues (卵巣組織) which can preserve the ability of those primitive oocytes for the future use. In the second part of this seminar, I will present my challenges in establishing in vitro culture (体外培養) and cryopreservation (凍結保存) technology of primitive oocytes in Carnivores at SCBI and WRC.


2016年4月20日(水) 13:30~ @野生動物研究センター地下1階会議室




「Group-decision making in wild Asian elephants」
I will stay in Sri Lanka for five month. In this seminar, I will present a research plan.
Dear English speakers, If you will attend this seminar, some slides will be in English but oral explanation will be in Japanese.