Reproductive parameters in Bossou group chimpanzees during 32 years (1976-2008)
Reproductive parameters N Mean SD Range Study pereod source
Age at first maximal swelling*1 (yrs.) 5 7.6 0.4 7.1-8.3 1976-2001 [77]
Age at first birth (yrs.) 5 10.9 1.8 9.7-13.9
Age of emigration from natal group*1(yrs.) no data
Mean birth rate between 9-41 yrs. per year (all) 170 female-years 0.19    
              (> 4 yrs. survival of previous offspring)  0.17    
Interbirth interval (yr.)                                    (all) 22 mother-offspring pairs 4.6    
                  (> 4 yrs. survival of previous offspring)  17mother-offspring pairs 5.3 2.3  
The number of live birth during lifetime*2   4.25    
The age at final birth (yrs.) -41
Age at first maximal swelling*1 (yrs.) 5 7.6 0.4 7.1-8.3 1976-2008 [89]
Age at first birth (yrs.) 6 10.6   9.5-13
Age of emigration from natal group*1(yrs.) 3 9.0 1.0 8-10
Mean birth rate between 9-46 yrs. per year (all)   0.15    
              (> 4 yrs. survival of previous offspring)  0.11    
Interbirth interval (yr.)                                    (all) 24 births 4.5    
                  (> 4 yrs. survival of previous offspring)  18 births 5.2    
The number of live birth during lifetime*2   2.94    
The age at final birth (yrs.)       -51
*1 The four parameter are related to the age at first birth.
*2 These were calculated from other sevral parameters.
[77] Sugiyama Y. (2004) Demographic parameters and life history of chimpanzees at Bossou, Guinea. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 124: 154-165
[89]Sugiyama Y. & Fujita S. (2011) The demography and reproductive parameters of Bossou chimpanzees. In: Matsuzawa T., Humle T. & Sugiyama Y. (eds.) The Chimpanzees of Bossou and Nimba. Springer, pp. 23-34